Sheffield 1866 (2)

Crosstable scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games    Class 
Latham, Thomas    2312 (104) 15 / 17 
Mort, Henry    2251 (83) 14 / 17 
Bennett, J.    1965 (88) 13 / 17 
Champion, John    1859 (96) 11 / 17 
Cocking, George    1744 (115) 8 / 17 
Greening, Joseph    1735 (110) 6 / 17 
Edwards, W. (1)    1567 (140) 6 / 17 
  Odds for class difference of 1: pawn and move
  Odds for class difference of 2: pawn and two moves
  Odds for class difference of 3: a knight
  Odds for class difference of 4: two pieces

Event table notes

Event data
Name: Sheffield Athenaeum Club Handicap
Place: Sheffield
Start date: 21 Sep. 1866
End date: 18 Dec. 1866
The report in the Chess Player's Magazine of Feb. 1867 (p.61) gives scores for all 18 players, but many players did not play all their games, and there is no way to determine who played who, apart from the 7 players who completed all their games. Only those 7 are listed here, but because they were in different odds classes, only those in the same class can be compared to each other directly (as only those played the same opponents with the same odds). The report says that the tournament took place 'during the last three months of 1866', but an announcement in the Nov. 1866 issue of the Chess Player's Magazine (p.328) says that the tournament started 21 Sept. 1866 and was to finish 18 Dec. 1866.
   [CPM], vol. 2, no. 11, Nov. 1866, page 328
   [CPM], vol. 3, no. 2, Feb. 1867, page 61

Tournament information updated: 25 Mar. 2017