Edwards, W. (1)


Year       Rank    Edo    Dev.   Games 
1865  448  1558 (143) 3
1866  481  1567 (140) 4
1867  467  1565 (143) 0
1868  489  1562 (147) 1

Rating table notes

Biographical data
Name: Edwards, W. (1)  
   Harding, Joseph Henry Blackburne, page 104
   [CLCM], vol. 1, no. 10, Nov. 1874, page 234
   [CPM], vol. 1, no. 8, Aug. 1865, page 251
   [CPM], vol. 2, no. 7, July 1866, page 218
   [CPM], vol. 3, no. 2, Feb. 1867, page 61
   [ShDT], no. 4909, 1 Mar. 1871, page 4
   [SRI], vol. 52, no. 4618, 1 Mar. 1871, page 3
   Mann, Steve.  [Yorkshire Chess History - 1865: Sheffield Athenaeum Club Tournament]

Tournament data

Sheffield 1865     Sheffield Athenaeum Club Tournament    
  Edwards, W. (1) - Fawcett, J. (1)     1 - 2          Fawcett, J. (1) gave odds of pawn and move
Sheffield 1866 (2)     Sheffield Athenaeum Club Handicap     6  /  17      odds player in pawn and move class
Sheffield 1868 (3)     West Yorkshire Chess Association - Class III    
  Edwards, W. (1) - Allan, W.     0 - 1    

Player information updated: 25 Dec. 2021