Sydney and Brisbane 1927

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Crakanthorp, Spencer    2321 (56) 1 /
Koshnitsky, Gregory    2203 (63) 0 /
Purdy, Cecil    2184 (49) 1 /
Ansaldo, Albert    1971 (63) 0 /
Jonas, William    1914 (70) 0 /
Mosely, A.    1923 (95) 1 /
Crane, Henry    1994 (61) 1 /
Thomson, J.C.    1863 (74) 0 /
Crakanthorp, Lawrence    1958 (94) 0.5 /
Bennett, Frank    1813 (81) 0.5 /
Bignold, Hugh    1860 (128) 0.5 /
Cowdry, Arthur    1812 (129) 0.5 /
Shoebridge, Aubrey    1896 (57) 1 /
Harper, C.    0 /
Tonkin, G.N.    1881 (72) 0 /
Roberts, F.J.    1 /
Amadio, H.H.    1862 (57) 0 /
Holliday, J.H.    1733 (124) 1 /
Merkel, Solomon    1945 (51) 1 /
Oldfield, F.    1641 (180) 0 /
Ferguson, A.    1578 (106) 0.5 /
Boyce, John    1687 (114) 0.5 /
Higham, L.    1510 (111) 0 /
Lefand, B.    1667 (143) 1 /
Roy, S.    1556 (176) 1 /
Palmer, William (1)    1445 (176) 0 /
Johnstone, H.M.    1697 (208) 0.5 /
Browne, J.A.    1646 (235) 0.5 /
Prowse, James    1 /
Glassop, S.J.    0 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: 23rd New South Wales - Queensland Telgraphic Match
Place: Sydney and Brisbane
Start date: 18 Apr. 1927
End date: 18 Apr. 1927
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1921-1930, page 192

Tournament information updated: 6 Mar. 2021