New York 1891 (1)

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Ford, Eugene    2282 (51) 1 /
Wilcox, B.F.    1777 (131) 0 /
Baird, John    2338 (37) 1 /
Yeaton, Frank    1983 (69) 0 /
Kaltenbach, Ernest    1962 (90) 1 /
Timme, W.    0 /
Delmar, Eugene    2397 (33) 1 /
Eccles, Charles    2105 (99) 0 /
Kemény, Emil    2415 (38) 1 /
Richards, G.H.    2197 (87) 0 /
Dalton, William    1879 (125) 1 /
Beranje, R.    1665 (173) 0 /
Lipschütz, Salomon    2428 (39) 1 /
Simon, B. (1)    0 /
Clapp, A.C.    2298 (80) 1 /
Ryan, John    2296 (41) 0 /
Olly, Edward    2219 (59) 1 /
Baldwin, W.C.    0 /
Simonson, Gustave    2382 (41) 1 /
Levy, E.    1771 (136) 0 /
Hanham, J. Moore    2420 (30) 1 /
Holladay, Waller    2005 (55) 0 /
Rogers, Howard    2225 (55) 0.5 /
Dahl, Ellert    1918 (140) 0.5 /
Hodges, Albert B.    2459 (34) 1 /
Cheesewright, F.H.    1919 (151) 0 /
Fitch, J.H.A.    2061 (49) 1 /
Hopcroft, W.N.    0 /
Baird, David    2344 (48) 1 /
Young, John    2251 (37) 0 /
Rosenfeld, Hector    1877 (133) 1 /
Meyer, Otto    2163 (97) 0 /
Delmar, Eugene    2397 (33) 1 /
Hodges, Albert B.    2459 (34) 0 /
Baird, John    2338 (37) 1 /
Lipschütz, Salomon    2428 (39) 0 /
Rogers, Howard    2225 (55) 1 /
Rosenfeld, Hector    1877 (133) 0 /
Simonson, Gustave    2382 (41) 1 /
Hanham, J. Moore    2420 (30) 0 /
Baird, David    2344 (48) 1 /
Fitch, J.H.A.    2061 (49) 0 /
Kemény, Emil    2415 (38) 1 /
Dalton, William    1879 (125) 0 /
Olly, Edward    2219 (59) 1 /
Clapp, A.C.    2298 (80) 0 /
Ford, Eugene    2282 (51) 1 /
Kaltenbach, Ernest    1962 (90) 0 /
Young, John    2251 (37) 1 /
Hopcroft, W.N.    0 /
Yeaton, Frank    1983 (69) 1 /
Simon, B. (1)    0 /
Meyer, Otto    2163 (97) 1 /
Dahl, Ellert    1918 (140) 0 /
Holladay, Waller    2005 (55) 1 /
Levy, E.    1771 (136) 0 /
Cheesewright, F.H.    1919 (151) 1 /
Eccles, Charles    2105 (99) 0 /
Ryan, John    2296 (41) 1 /
Baldwin, W.C.    0 /
Wilcox, B.F.    1777 (131) 1 /
Timme, W.    0 /
Richards, G.H.    2197 (87) 1 /
Beranje, R.    1665 (173) 0 /
Delmar, Eugene    2397 (33) 1 /
Baird, David    2344 (48) 0 /
Baird, John    2338 (37) 0.5 /
Olly, Edward    2219 (59) 0.5 /
Ford, Eugene    2282 (51) 0.5 /
Kemény, Emil    2415 (38) 0.5 /
Simonson, Gustave    2382 (41) 1 /
Rogers, Howard    2225 (55) 0 /
Hodges, Albert B.    2459 (34) 1 /
Fitch, J.H.A.    2061 (49) 0 /
Lipschütz, Salomon    2428 (39) 0.5 /
Clapp, A.C.    2298 (80) 0.5 /
Dalton, William    1879 (125) 1 /
Kaltenbach, Ernest    1962 (90) 0 /
Hanham, J. Moore    2420 (30) 1 /
Rosenfeld, Hector    1877 (133) 0 /
Meyer, Otto    2163 (97) 1 /
Holladay, Waller    2005 (55) 0 /
Ryan, John    2296 (41) 1 /
Wilcox, B.F.    1777 (131) 0 /
Yeaton, Frank    1983 (69) 1 /
Cheesewright, F.H.    1919 (151) 0 /
Richards, G.H.    2197 (87) 1 /
Young, John    2251 (37) 0 /
Delmar, Eugene    2397 (33) 1 /
Ford, Eugene    2282 (51) 0 /
Baird, John    2338 (37) 1 /
Simonson, Gustave    2382 (41) 0 /
Rogers, Howard    2225 (55) 1 /
Olly, Edward    2219 (59) 0 /
Baird, David    2344 (48) 1 /
Kemény, Emil    2415 (38) 0 /
Hanham, J. Moore    2420 (30) 1 /
Dalton, William    1879 (125) 0 /
Hodges, Albert B.    2459 (34) 1 /
Lipschütz, Salomon    2428 (39) 0 /
Meyer, Otto    2163 (97) 1 /
Ryan, John    2296 (41) 0 /
Yeaton, Frank    1983 (69) 0.5 /
Richards, G.H.    2197 (87) 0.5 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: 13th New York State Championship
Place: New York
Start date: 23 Feb. 1891
End date: 23 Feb. 1891
Hilbert has 'Theo. Rosenfeld' at this event; the History and Report of the New York State Chess Association has 'Rosenfeld, H.'. Hilbert shows Holladay-Levy as a draw, while the History and Report of the New York State Chess Association shows it as a genuine win for Holladay. I guess that the latter is correct. All 5 fifth round games were agreed drawn without being played, so they are not rated here.
   Davies, Samuel Lipschütz, page 187
   Hilbert and Lahde, Albert Beauregard Hodges, page 89
   Hilbert, Writings in Chess History, page 427
   Rogers, New York State Chess Association, page 33
   Hilbert, John S.  [New York 1891: A Day to Remember Part 1]
   Hilbert, John S.  [New York 1891: A Day to Remember Part 2]

Tournament information updated: 2 Oct. 2022