Baird, David


Year       Rank    Edo    Dev.   Games 
1879  74  2336 (64) 8
1880  76  2357 (55) 13
1881  80  2368 (50) 10
1882  69  2388 (44) 20
1883  61  2407 (41) 18
1884  51  2427 (35) 44
1885  89  2365 (36) 34
1886  114  2334 (39) 24
1887  111  2338 (45) 4
1888  98  2355 (45) 2
1889  84  2373 (34) 44
1890  97  2354 (45) 5
1891  107  2344 (48) 5
1892  122  2331 (47) 8
1893  112  2336 (45) 9
1894  112  2336 (43) 12
1895  99  2358 (43) 12
1896  104  2348 (45) 6
1897  100  2340 (42) 5
1898  104  2335 (31) 58
1899  136  2313 (34) 30
1900  144  2308 (41) 14
1901  203  2269 (48) 2
1902  232  2254 (48) 8
1903  218  2265 (50) 2
1904  181  2292 (47) 12
1905  217  2275 (51) 1
1906  233  2270 (48) 16
1907  286  2247 (59) 0
1908  339  2224 (64) 1
1909  376  2212 (68) 0
1910  398  2201 (68) 0
1911  444  2190 (66) 12

Rating table notes

Biographical data
Name: Baird, David Graham  
   Also known as: Graham
Born: 3 Dec. 1854
Died: 8 Oct. 1913
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1901-1920, page 300
   Forster, Amos Burn, page 366, 954
   Gaige, Chess Personalia, page 19
   Gilberg, Fifth American Chess Congress, page 154
   Goldman, Carl Schlechter!, page 523
   Harding, Joseph Henry Blackburne, page 274, 382, 571
   Hilbert and Lahde, Albert Beauregard Hodges, page 74, 140
   Hilbert, Emil Kemeny, page 58
   Hilbert, Napier, page 9, 128
   Hilbert, Writings in Chess History, page 432
   Hillyer, Thomas Frère, page 112
   Thulin, Name index to CTC, page 16
   Urcan, Adolf Albin in America, page 72
   van Winsen, James Mason in America, page 293, 367
   Hilbert, John S.  [New York 1891: A Day to Remember Part 1], page 5
   Sericano, C.  [Maestri di scacchi dell'800]

Match data  (f=formal; c=casual; s=soft)

Mohle, C.A. - Baird, D.G. 1879         (f)     6.5   -   1.5
Lasker, Em. - Baird, D.G. 1892         (f)     3   -   0
Baird, D.G. - Jasnogrodsky, N. 1895         (c)     2   -   1
Janowsky, D.M. - Baird, D.G. 1899         (f)     1   -   0
Mieses, J. - Baird, D.G. 1903         (f)     1   -   0

Tournament data

New York 1880 (2)     5th American Chess Congress - Minor Tourney     10  /  13
New York 1881     Manhattan Club Championship     6  /  10
New York 1882     Manhattan Club Tournament     13  /  20
Philadelphia and New York 1883     Philadelphia - Manhattan Club Match    
  Baird, D.G. - Barbour, L.D.     2 - 0    
New York 1883     5th Manhattan Chess Club Championship     11  /  16
New York 1884 (1)     6th Manhattan Club Handicap     24.5  /  34      received odds from first class
New York 1884 (2)     Manhattan Club Championship     6  /  10
New York 1885 (1)     Manhattan Club Handicap Tournament     10.5  /  20
New York 1885 (3)     Manhattan Club - New York Club Match    
  Baird, D.G. - Vorrath, A.     0 - 1    
New York 1885 (4)     Manhattan Club - New York Club Match    
  Baird, D.G. - Vorrath, A.     1 - 0    
New York 1885 (5)     8th Manhattan Chess Club Championship     5.5  /  12
New York 1886 (1)     Manhattan Club Tournament     10  /  24      received odds from first class
New York 1887 (2)     Manhattan Club - New York Club Match    
  Baird, D.G. - Huntington, W.S.     0.5 - 1.5    
New York 1887 (3)     Brooklyn - Manhattan Club Match    
  Baird, D.G. - Eno, W.F.     1.5 - 0.5    
New York 1888 (3)     Manhattan Club - Columbia Club Match (Round 1)    
  Baird, D.G. - Koehler, G.H.     0.5 - 0.5    
New York 1888 (4)     Manhattan Club - Columbia Club Match (Round 2)    
  Baird, D.G. - Koehler, G.H.     1 - 0    
New York 1889 (2)     6th American Chess Congress     19  /  44
New York 1890 (1)     Bachelors - Benedicks Match    
  Baird, D.G. - Northrop, T.F.     1 - 0    
New York 1890 (3)     12th New York State Championship    
  Baird, D.G. - Yeaton, F.H.     0.5 - 0.5    
  Baird, D.G. - Lipschutz, S.     0.5 - 0.5    
  Baird, D.G. - Boardman, A.     1 - 0    
  Baird, D.G. - Rogers, H.J.     1 - 0    
  Baird, D.G. - McGie, B.C.     0 - 1    
New York 1891 (1)     13th New York State Championship    
  Baird, D.G. - Young, J.W. (1)     1 - 0    
  Baird, D.G. - Fitch, J.H.A.     1 - 0    
  Baird, D.G. - Delmar, E. (1)     0 - 1    
  Baird, D.G. - Kemeny, E.     1 - 0    
New York 1891 (5)     New Jersey - Manhattan Club Match    
  Baird, D.G. - Munoz, J.B.     0.5 - 0.5    
Newark 1892     New Jersey - Manhattan Club Match    
  Baird, D.G. - Massett, E.L.     0.5 - 0.5    
New York 1892 (4)     14th New York State Championship    
  Baird, D.G. - Kemeny, E.     1 - 0    
  Baird, D.G. - Ford, E.A.     0 - 1    
  Baird, D.G. - Hopkins, J.S.D.     0 - 1    
New York and New Orleans 1892     Manhattan - New Orleans telegraph match    
  Baird, D.G. - Seguin, J.D.     0.5 - 0.5    
New York 1893 (14)     Manhattan Café Tournament     4  /  9
New York 1894 (2)     16th New York State Championship    
  Baird, D.G. - Hodges, A.B.     0.5 - 0.5    
  Baird, D.G. - Scripture, W.E.     1 - 0    
New York 1894 (4)     Brooklyn Club - New York City Club Match    
  Baird, D.G. - Helms, H.     0 - 1    
New York 1894 (6)     New York Tournament     3  /  9
New York 1895 (2)     Brooklyn - Manhattan Club Match    
  Baird, D.G. - de Visser, W.M.     0.5 - 0.5    
New York 1895 (4)     Manhattan - Staten Island Club Match    
  Baird, D.G. - Raettig, C.E.     1 - 0    
New York 1895 (7)     Manhattan - New York City Club Match    
  Baird, D.G. - Showalter, J.W.     0 - 1    
New York 1895 (10)     New York State Championship     4  /  4
New York 1895 (11)     Manhattan - Newark Club Match    
  Baird, D.G. - Bernstein, L.     0.5 - 0.5    
London, England and New York 1895     British Chess Club - Manhattan Chess Club Cable Match    
  Baird, D.G. - Mills, D.Y.     0.5 - 0.5    
New York 1896 (2)     18th New York State Chess Association Midwinter Meeting - Championship     3  /  4
London, England and New York 1896     1st Anglo-American Cable Match    
  Baird, D.G. - Jackson, E.M.     0 - 1    
Philadelphia 1896 (2)     Franklin Chess Club - Manhattan Chess Club Match    
  Baird, D.G. - Voigt, H.G.     0 - 1    
New York 1897 (3)     19th New York State Chess Association Meeting - Championship     3  /  4
Philadelphia and New York 1897     Franklin Chess Club - Manhattan Chess Club Telegraphic Match    
  Baird, D.G. - Morgan, J.P.     0 - 1    
New York 1898 (1)     20th New York State Chess Association Midwinter Meeting - Championship     1  /  3
New York 1898 (3)     Manhattan Club Championship     9  /  14
  Baird, D.G. - Koehler, G.H.     2 - 2    
London, England and New York 1898     3rd Anglo-American Cable Match    
  Baird, D.G. - Locock, C.D.     0.5 - 0.5    
Vienna 1898 (3)     Kaiser Jubiläumsturnier     8  /  36
New York 1899 (1)     Manhattan Club Championship     11  /  18
New York 1899 (2)     New York State Championship     0.5  /  3
London, England and New York 1899 (1)     4th Anglo-American Cable Match    
  Baird, D.G. - Trenchard, H.W.     0.5 - 0.5    
Philadelphia 1899 (3)     Franklin Chess Club - Manhattan Chess Club Match    
  Baird, D.G. - Young, J.W. (1)     0.5 - 0.5    
New York 1899 (6)     Manhattan Club Championship     2  /  7
New York 1900 (2)     New York State Championship     3  /  4
  Baird, D.G. - Marshall, F.J.     0 - 1    
New York 1900 (5)     Manhattan Club Sexangular Tournament     3  /  9
New York 1901 (2)     Manhattan Club Championship     0  /  2
New York 1902 (4)     Manhattan Club Championship     2.5  /  8
Philadelphia or New York (?) 1903     Franklin Chess Club - Manhattan Chess Club Match    
  Baird, D.G. - Martinez, C.S.     0 - 1    
New York 1904 (1)     Manhattan Club Championship     9  /  11
New York 1904 (3)     Franklin Chess Club - Manhattan Chess Club Match    
  Baird, D.G. - Mlotkowski, S.     0 - 1    
New York and Chicago 1905 (1)     Manhattan Club - Chicago Club Telegraph Match    
  Baird, D.G. - Jones, E.S.     0.5 - 0.5    
New York 1906 (1)     Manhattan Club Championship     5  /  12
New York 1906 (2)     28th New York State Chess Association Midwinter Meeting - New York State Championship     3  /  4
New York 1908 (2)     New York State Chess Association Championship    
  Baird, D.G. - Finn, J.     0 - 1    
New York 1911 (1)     New York Tournament     3  /  12

Player information updated: 12 Nov. 2024