Philadelphia or New York (?) 1892

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Bampton, Samuel    2261 (39) 0 /
Kemény, Emil    2448 (36) 1 /
Shipley, Walter    2416 (42) 0.5 /
Hodges, Albert B.    2507 (33) 0.5 /
Morgan, Joseph    2256 (37) 0 /
Hanham, J. Moore    2389 (31) 1 /
Young, John    2252 (35) 0 /
Halpern, Jacob    2303 (44) 1 /
Ferris, William    2177 (41) 1 /
Huntington, W.S.    2177 (65) 0 /
Magee, James    2048 (47) 0 /
Loyd, Sam    2267 (70) 1 /
Smyth, Carroll    2129 (46) 1 /
Vorrath, August    2196 (55) 0 /
Schultz, W.H.    2101 (51) 1 /
Doyle, Patrick    1958 (92) 0 /
Hale, Arthur    1980 (56) 0 /
Eisenmann, N.    1 /
Jeanes, Henry    1989 (105) 0.5 /
Livingston, Julius    1957 (124) 0.5 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: Junior Club - New York City Club Match
Place: Philadelphia or New York (?)
Start date: 28 May 1892
End date: 29 May 1892
Reichhelm has 'Eisenmann' playing for New York in this event and the History and Report of the New York State Chess Association lists 'N. Eisenmann' as a member. However, the 4 June 1892 issue of the Brooklyn Daily Standard-Union and the 30 May 1892 issue of the New York Sun have 'Eigemann' playing for New York.
   Hilbert and Lahde, Albert Beauregard Hodges, page 111
   Hilbert, Emil Kemeny, page 71, 187, 326
   Hilbert, Walter Penn Shipley, page 88
   Reichhelm and Shipley, Chess in Philadelphia, page 54
   [BSU], 4 June 1892
   [NYS], 30 May 1892

Tournament information updated: 7 Nov. 2023