Doyle, Patrick


Year       Rank    Edo    Dev.   Games 
1874  256  2100 (98) 5
1875  229  2132 (93) 4
1876  214  2145 (88) 0
1877  191  2159 (82) 10
1878  195  2153 (85) 0
1879  201  2147 (88) 0
1880  232  2142 (90) 0
1881  262  2136 (90) 0
1882  274  2130 (89) 0
1883  307  2124 (88) 0
1884  345  2119 (85) 0
1885  346  2113 (80) 2
1886  389  2086 (79) 0
1887  437  2060 (76) 5
1888  458  2046 (78) 2
1889  484  2027 (83) 0
1890  547  2007 (87) 0
1891  584  1987 (89) 1
1892  664  1965 (92) 3
1893  697  1951 (98) 0
1894  731  1938 (103) 1
1895  741  1930 (109) 0
1896  752  1923 (115) 0
1897  766  1915 (120) 0
1898  794  1907 (125) 0
1899  829  1900 (129) 0
1900  871  1892 (133) 0
1901  873  1885 (137) 0
1902  875  1877 (140) 0
1903  878  1869 (143) 0
1904  923  1862 (146) 0
1905  972  1854 (149) 1

Rating table notes

Biographical data
Name: Doyle, Patrick J.  
Born: 17 Mar. 1837
I am guessing that the 'Doyle' who played in the match between the New York Club and the Philadelphia Junior Club in 1892 was Patrick J. Doyle, who was active in New York in the 1870s. The American Chess Monthly of Mar. 1892 (p.2) and the International Chess Magazine of Oct. 1891 (p.295, delayed in publication!) have 'C.J. Doyle'. The Brooklyn Daily Standard-Union of 30 Jan. 1892 has 'P.H. Doyle'. A 'J.P. Doyle' is mentioned in a retrospective on James A. Leonard in the Georgia Weekly Telegraph of 23 Aug. 1867. I suspect that this is also Patrick J. Doyle, who would then have been active as early as about 1861. A 'J.P. Doyle' is also mentioned in the Dubuque Chess Journal of Feb. 1875 (p.85) but in the Mar. 1875 issue (p.150) and the Apr. 1875 issue (p.203) we have 'P.J. Doyle'.
   Gaige, Chess Personalia, page 97
   Reichhelm and Shipley, Chess in Philadelphia, page 54
   Rogers, New York State Chess Association, page 22
   Walker, New Jersey Chess Association, page 8
   van Winsen, James Mason in America, page 75, 107, 134, 366
   van Winsen, Mackenzie, Mason and Co. IV, page 81
   van Winsen, Mackenzie, Mason and Co. V, page 17, 79
   van Winsen, Mackenzie, Mason and Co. VI, page 46
   van Winsen, Mackenzie, Mason and Co. VII, page 18
   [BaH], 4 Oct. 1873
   [BSU], 30 Jan. 1892
   [DCJ], vol. 5, no. 40, June 1873, page 265, 274
   [DCJ], vol. 5, no. 42, Aug. 1873, page 498
   [DCJ], vol. 8, no. 60, Feb. 1875, page 67, 85
   [DCJ], vol. 8, no. 61, Mar. 1875, page 150
   [DCJ], vol. 8, no. 62, Apr. 1875, page 203
   [DCJ], vol. 8, no. 65, July 1875, page 360
   [GWT], 23 Aug. 1867
   [HWT], 4 Oct. 1873
   [NYC], 17 Sep. 1859
   [NYTi], vol. 9, no. 2565, 9 Dec. 1859, page 1
   [SoT], 17 Jan. 1874
   [SoT], 2 May 1874
   [SoT], 26 Sep. 1874

Match data  (f=formal; c=casual; s=soft)

Doyle, P.J. - Cohnfeld, A. 1877         (f)     5   -   1

Tournament data

New York 1874 (2)     Down Town Club Tournament     7.5  /  11
  Doyle, P.J. - Strasser, A.     0 - 1    
New York 1875 (2)     Down Town Chess Club Tournament     16  /  17
New York 1877     New York Club Tournament    
  Doyle, P.J. - Limbeck, G.A.T.     3 - 1    
New York 1885 (3)     Manhattan Club - New York Club Match    
  Doyle, P.J. - Isaacson, C.B.     1 - 0    
New York 1885 (4)     Manhattan Club - New York Club Match    
  Doyle, P.J. - Schieffelin, H.H.     1 - 0    
New York 1887 (1)     10th New York State Championship    
  Doyle, P.J. - Yeaton, F.H.     1 - 0    
  Doyle, P.J. - Delmar, E. (1)     0 - 1    
  Doyle, P.J. - Ettlinger, A.K.     0 - 1    
New York 1887 (2)     Manhattan Club - New York Club Match    
  Doyle, P.J. - Cohn, W.D.     0 - 2    
Rutherford 1888     3rd New Jersey State Tournament    
  Doyle, P.J. - Vorrath, A.     1 - 0    
  Doyle, P.J. - Keyes, R.B.     0 - 1    
New York 1891 (4)     City Club Handicap Tournament    
  Doyle, P.J. - Huntington, F.     1 - 0          Doyle, P.J. gave odds of pawn and move
New York 1892 (1)     Brooklyn Club - New York City Club Match    
  Doyle, P.J. - Blackmar, Ab.E.     0 - 1    
New York 1892 (2)     Brooklyn Club - New York City Club Match    
  Doyle, P.J. - Blackmar, Ab.E.     0 - 1    
Philadelphia or New York (?) 1892     Junior Club - New York City Club Match    
  Doyle, P.J. - Schultz, W.H.     0 - 1    
New York 1894 (3)     Brooklyn Club - New York City Club Match    
  Doyle, P.J. - Elwell, J.D.     0 - 1    
New York 1905 (1)     Manhattan Club - All New Jersey Match    
  Doyle, P.J. - Ascher, J.G.     0 - 1    

Player information updated: 7 Nov. 2023