Manchester 1857 (2)

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Medley, George    2347 (69) 1 /
MacDonnell, George    2302 (91) 0 /
Hughes, Hesseth    2107 (92) 1 /
Jephcott, Thomas    0 /
Kling, Josef    2282 (130) 1 /
Rogers, Henry    0 /
O'Donnell, Henry    1 /
Blackstone, F.C.    0 /
Owen, G.A.    1 /
Kirkman, T.P.    0 /
Owen, John    2433 (48) 1 /
Hague, Jonathan    0 /
Cohen, Sigismund    2069 (78) 1 /
Jephcott, E.    0 /
Francis, A.M.    1903 (171) 1 /
Simpson (2)    0 /
Kling, Josef    2282 (130) 1 /
Hughes, Hesseth    2107 (92) 0 /
Owen, G.A.    1 /
Cohen, Sigismund    2069 (78) 0 /
Owen, John    2433 (48) 1 /
Medley, George    2347 (69) 0 /
Francis, A.M.    1903 (171) 1 /
O'Donnell, Henry    0 /
Owen, John    2433 (48) 1 /
Kling, Josef    2282 (130) 0 /
Owen, John    2433 (48) 1 /
Francis, A.M.    1903 (171) 0 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: 1st British Chess Association Congress Minor Section
Place: Manchester
Start date: 4 Aug. 1857
End date: 11 Aug. 1857
Di Felice gives 'M.E. Hughes', but Whyld gives 'H. Hughes'. Di Felice and Whyld have 'E. Jephcott' losing to Cohen in the first round; the Era (9 Aug. 1857, p.5) has 'A. Jephcott', but the 16 Aug. 1957 issue (p.5) has 'E. Jephcott', as does the Report of the Manchester Meeting of 1857. Di Felice says that G.A. Owen forfeited to Francis in the third round; the Era of 16 Aug. 1857 (p.5) says that 'Mr. Francis beat Mr. G.A. Owen'; the New York Clipper of 12 Sep. 1857 says that G.A. Owen was 'unhorsed' by Francis; the Report of the Manchester Meeting of 1857 says that 'Francis, A.M., was recorded winner against Owen, G.A., who could not remain to play further. I take that to mean a forfeit.
   Chess Association, Manchester 1857 Report, page 9
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1747-1900, page 22
   Harding, Eminent Victorian Chess Players, page 86
   Löwenthal and Medley, Chess Congress of 1862, page xxvi
   Sergeant, Century of British Chess, page 98
   Whyld, English Tournaments, page 4
   [CPC], vol. 1, no. 4, Apr. 1859, page 98
   [Era], vol. 19, no. 985, 9 Aug. 1857, page 5
   [Era], vol. 19, no. 986, 16 Aug. 1857, page 5
   [ILN], vol. 31, no. 875, 22 Aug. 1857, page 195
   [LiM], vol. 47, no. 3018, 7 Aug. 1857, page 12
   [NYC], 12 Sep. 1857

Tournament information updated: 16 Jul. 2017