Wakefield 1861

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Watkinson, John    2404 (53) 1 /
Hunter, William    1848 (109) 0 /
Brook, George    2122 (86) 1 /
Young, John    2133 (72) 1 /
Marsden, David    1959 (79) 0 /
Holdsworth, Joseph    2131 (148) 2 /
Tarn, Edward    1642 (158) 1 /
Atter, J.    1614 (194) 1 /
Eastwood, John    1973 (107) 2 /
Bennett, Charles    1681 (174) 0 /
Campbell, Archibald    1948 (113) 2 /
Ash, William    1793 (130) 0 /
Roberton, James    2031 (112) 2 /
Fawcett, Joseph    1877 (109) 0 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: Huddersfield - Wakefield Club Match
Place: Wakefield
Start date: 14 Dec. 1861
End date: 14 Dec. 1861
This was intended to be a 9-a-side inter-club match, with two games per pairing, but W.H.B. Tomlinson of Wakefield and W. Parratt of Huddersfield were unable to attend, so their 2 games were unplayed and 3 other games were unfinished or unstarted, the second Watkinson-Hunter game as well as both games J.R. Robinson - R. Oswald. These were planned to be played out in Jan. 1862, but, according to the Chess Player's Chronicle of Apr. 1862 (p.102) and the Manchester Weely Express and Review of 22 Mar. 1862, this plan was never carried out and Wakefield resigned the match. The Era of 22 Dec. 1861 (p.4) says that 2 games were drawn in addition to the +9-4 result recorded here, but we don't know which players were involved.
   [CPC], vol. 4, no. 1, Jan. 1862, page 17
   [CPC], vol. 4, no. 4, Apr. 1862, page 102
   [Era], vol. 24, no. 1213, 22 Dec. 1861, page 4
   [ILN], vol. 40, no. 1125, 4 Jan. 1862, page 30
   [MWEG], 21 Dec. 1861
   [MWER], 22 Mar. 1862
   Mann, Steve.  [Yorkshire Chess History - 1861: Wakefield v Huddersfield]

Tournament information updated: 9 Jul. 2015