Fawcett, Joseph


Year       Rank    Edo    Dev.   Games 
1861  275  1879 (109) 2
1862  294  1894 (105) 1
1863  288  1900 (102) 0
1864  298  1907 (98) 0
1865  326  1913 (94) 2
1866  347  1924 (91) 2
1867  332  1935 (91) 0
1868  335  1946 (90) 0
1869  332  1957 (87) 4
1870  360  1952 (88) 0
1871  391  1947 (88) 0
1872  407  1942 (87) 5
1873  418  1940 (92) 0
1874  445  1937 (96) 0
1875  471  1935 (99) 0
1876  452  1932 (102) 0
1877  433  1930 (103) 0
1878  437  1928 (104) 0
1879  429  1925 (104) 2
1880  461  1922 (109) 0
1881  529  1919 (113) 1
1882  572  1912 (119) 0
1883  633  1904 (125) 0
1884  711  1896 (130) 2

Rating table notes

Biographical data
Name: Fawcett, Joseph Addey  
Born: 30 Apr. 1840
Died: 24 Oct. 1912
The name is given as 'A. Fawcett' in the 4 Jan. 1862 issue of the Illustrated London News (p.30), but a 'J.A. Fawcett' appears in the 11 June 1864 issue (p.579) and later issues. 'J.H. Fawcett' appears in the 22 Mar. 1884 issue of Land and Water (p.274). I am assuming these are the same person.
   Whyld, English Tournaments, page 12
   [CPM], vol. 2, no. 7, July 1864, page 205
   [CPM], vol. 1, no. 6, June 1865, page 184
   [CPM], vol. 3, no. 7, 1 July 1867, page 217
   [CPQC], vol. 1, no. 8, Aug. 1869, page 246
   [CW], vol. 2, no. 5, July 1866, page 156
   [CW], vol. 3, no. 4, July 1867, page 145
   [Era], vol. 27, no. 1393, 4 June 1865, page 6
   [Era], vol. 31, no. 1603, 13 June 1869, page 7
   [HCWYA], no. 893, 1 June 1867, page 5
   [ILN], vol. 38, no. 1093, 15 June 1861, page 565
   [ILN], vol. 40, no. 1125, 4 Jan. 1862, page 30
   [ILN], vol. 40, no. 1146, 24 May 1862, page 540
   [ILN], vol. 44, no. 1263, 11 June 1864, page 579
   [ILN], vol. 48, no. 1374, 9 June 1866, page 571
   [ILN], vol. 54, no. 1543, 12 June 1869, page 603
   [LW], 22 Mar. 1884, page 274
   Mann, Steve.  [Yorkshire Chess History - Joseph Addey Fawcett]

Tournament data

Wakefield 1861     Huddersfield - Wakefield Club Match    
  Fawcett, J.A. - Roberton, J.P.     0 - 2    
Wakefield 1862 (2)     7th West Yorkshire Chess Association Meeting - 2nd Tournament    
  Fawcett, J.A. - Heselton, J.A.     1 - 0    
  Fawcett, J.A. - Oswald, R.     0 - 1    
Bradford 1865 (2)     West Yorkshire Chess Association - Second Class    
  Fawcett, J.A. - Moorhouse, Jo.     1 - 0    
  Fawcett, J.A. - Robinson, W.L.     0 - 1    
Leeds 1866 (2)     West Yorkshire Chess Association - Tournament 2    
  Fawcett, J.A. - Tomlinson, W.H.B.     1 - 0    
  Fawcett, J.A. - Ball, A.     0 - 1    
Huddersfield 1869 (1)     West Yorkshire Chess Association - 1st Tournament    
  Fawcett, J.A. - Ellis, W.     1 - 0    
  Fawcett, J.A. - Finlinson, J.H.S.     0 - 1    
Huddersfield 1869 (2)     Bradford - Wakefield Club Match    
  Fawcett, J.A. - Reaney, R.     2 - 0    
Leeds 1872 (2)     17th West Yorkshire Chess Association Meeting, Tournament 2    
  Fawcett, J.A. - Champion, J.J.     1 - 0    
  Fawcett, J.A. - Robinson, W.L.     0 - 1    
Wakefield 1872     Bradford - Wakefield Club Match    
  Fawcett, J.A. - Wall, C.E.F.     2 - 1    
Leeds 1879     Manchester Athenaeum - Leeds Club Match    
  Fawcett, J.A. - Wilson, T.B.     1 - 1    
Leeds 1881 (1)     Wakefield - Leeds Club Match    
  Fawcett, J.A. - Meredith, S.R.     0.5 - 0.5    
Leeds 1884 (3)     Leeds - Bradford Exchange Match    
  Fawcett, J.A. - Myers, J.     0.5 - 1.5    

Player information updated: 19 Aug. 2022