Results |
Match scores
Name |
Edo |
Dev. |
Score |
/ |
Games |
de Vere, Cecil |
2554 | (41) |
2 | / | 3 |
Fenton, Richard |
2296 | (58) |
1 | / | 3 |
de Vere, Cecil gave odds of pawn and move |
Burn, Amos |
2455 | (47) |
2 | / | 2 |
Bartrum |
| |
0 | / | 2 |
Burn, Amos gave odds of a knight |
Watts, John |
2043 | (75) |
2 | / | 3 |
Parley |
1610 | (141) |
1 | / | 3 |
Watts, John gave odds of pawn and two moves |
Harper, T. |
2242 | (87) |
1.5 | / | 2 |
Cole, Alfred |
2218 | (83) |
0.5 | / | 2 |
Frankenstein, Edward |
2199 | (81) |
1 | / | 1 |
Rudderforth, W.H. |
2004 | (88) |
0 | / | 1 |
Frankenstein, Edward gave odds of pawn and move |
Swyer, J. |
1881 | (114) |
2 | / | 2 |
Gamman, E. |
1993 | (102) |
0 | / | 2 |
Gamman, E. gave odds of pawn and two moves |
de Vere, Cecil |
2554 | (41) |
2 | / | 2 |
Burn, Amos |
2455 | (47) |
0 | / | 2 |
Harper, T. |
2242 | (87) |
1 | / | 1 |
Frankenstein, Edward |
2199 | (81) |
0 | / | 1 |
Clarke, John |
1894 | (114) |
1 | / | 1 |
Swyer, J. |
1881 | (114) |
0 | / | 1 |
de Vere, Cecil |
2554 | (41) |
2 | / | 3 |
Watts, John |
2043 | (75) |
1 | / | 3 |
de Vere, Cecil gave odds of pawn and two moves |
Harper, T. |
2242 | (87) |
1.5 | / | 2 |
Clarke, John |
1894 | (114) |
0.5 | / | 2 |
Harper, T. gave odds of pawn and two moves |
de Vere, Cecil |
2554 | (41) |
2 | / | 3 |
Harper, T. |
2242 | (87) |
1 | / | 3 |
de Vere, Cecil gave odds of pawn and move |
Event table notes
Event data |
Name: City of London Club Handicap - Section 3 |
Place: London, England |
Start date: 22 Nov. 1870 |
End date: 9 June 1871 |
Notes: |
For some pairings we know only who won, not what the score of the mini-match was. In such cases, I have listed the result as +1-0 for the winner. This will introduce a small bias, if the score was really +2-1 or +1-0=1, for example. Like the other two sections, this one had 16 players. But the mini-match between J. Clarke and W.T. Chappell was won by Clarke by default. No games appear to have been played. Also, Forster has only a question mark for Beadall's class, so I cannot include his win over H.F. Down or his loss to J.J. Watts. The Era of 2 Apr. 1871 (p.4) has a game between Cole and Harper from this event, stated to be won by Cole. However, Forster has a score of +1-0=1 for Harper over Cole here, and it is certainly Harper who went on to the next round. |
References |
Books |
Forster, Amos Burn, page 32 |
Periodicals |
[Era], vol. 33, no. 1691, 19 Feb. 1871, page 2 |
[Era], vol. 33, no. 1710, 2 July 1871, page 7 |
[SoT], 31 Dec. 1870 |
[WP], vol. 3, no. 32, 1 Dec. 1870, page 124 |
[WP], vol. 3, no. 33, 1 Jan. 1871, page 139 |
[WP], vol. 3, no. 34, 1 Feb. 1871, page 158 |
[WP], vol. 3, no. 35, 1 Mar. 1871, page 172 |
| |