Cheney, George


Year       Rank    Edo    Dev.   Games 
1857  18  2483 (64) 20
1858  21  2481 (63) 13
1859  18  2485 (56) 40

Rating table notes

Biographical data
Name: Cheney, George Nelson  
Born: 2 Apr. 1837
Died: 21 July 1861
   Fiske, First American Chess Congress, page 57, 146
   Gaige, Chess Personalia, page 69
   Hilbert, Writings in Chess History, page 70
   Hillyer, Thomas Frère, page 60, 95
   Lawson, Paul Morphy, page 47
   van Winsen, James Mason in America, page 172
   [CMNY], vol. 1, no. 10, Oct. 1857, page 319
   [CMNY], vol. 2, no. 1, Jan. 1858, page 25
   [CMNY], vol. 2, no. 4, Apr. 1858, page 128
   [CMNY], vol. 2, no. 11, Nov. 1858, page 349
   [CMNY], vol. 3, no. 8, Aug. 1859, page 263
   [Era], vol. 24, no. 1214, 29 Dec. 1861, page 4
   [FLIN], 30 May 1857
   [FLIN], 23 Nov. 1861
   [ILN], vol. 56, no. 1593, 7 May 1870, page 491
   [NYC], 18 July 1857
   [NYC], 12 Dec. 1857
   [NYC], 1 Feb. 1862
   [ST], no. 1859, 5 Dec. 1858, page 10
   Sarah.  [Morphy Plays Cheney]
   Sarah.  [Paul Morphy's Contenders]

Match data  (f=formal; c=casual; s=soft)

Lichtenhein, T. - Cheney, G.N. (1) 1857         (c)     10   -   10
Cheney, G.N. (1) - Fiske, W.O. 1858         (f)     7   -   2
Morphy, P.C. - Cheney, G.N. (1) 1859         (c)     1   -   1      Morphy, P.C. gave odds of a knight
Cheney, G.N. (1) - Lichtenhein, T. 1859         (c)     14.5   -   12.5
Cheney, G.N. (1) - Julien, D. 1859         (c)     5.5   -   5.5      Cheney, G.N. (1) gave odds of a knight

Tournament data

Syracuse 1858     Onondaga Tournament    
  Cheney, G.N. (1) - Wilkinson, J. (2)     2.5 - 0.5    
  Cheney, G.N. (1) - Fitch, C.E.     1 - 0    
  Cheney, G.N. (1) - Fiske, W.O.     0 - 1    

Player information updated: 27 Oct. 2019