Smith, Thomas (1)


Year       Rank    Edo    Dev.   Games 
1869  397  1870 (148) 1
1870  435  1867 (145) 1
1871  471  1857 (143) 3

Rating table notes

Biographical data
Name: Smith, Thomas (1)  
Born: 4 Nov. 1838
Died: 21 Mar. 1871
This Thomas Smith was a problem composer and played in London in 1868-1871. He died 21-03-1871 at age 35 according to the Illustrated London News; Gaige has the same date of death but gives birth date as 04-11-1838, which would make him only age 32 at his death. This date of death makes him clearly distinct from the T. Smith who played at Harrogate in 1888. There was also a Thomas Smith of Huddersfield in 1869, who might have been one or the other of these two players (Illustrated London News, 12 June 1869, p.603), as well as a 'T.A. Smith' at the Yorkshire meeting of 1852 (Chess Player's Chronicle, Nov. 1852, p.343). The 'F. Smith' mentioned in the Westminster Papers of 1 Dec. 1870 (vol.3, p.124) is almost certainly this 'T. Smith'.
   Forster, Amos Burn, page 969
   Gaige, Chess Personalia, page 396
   Gillam, London, 1868/9, page 5
   Harding, Eminent Victorian Chess Players, page 211
   Harding, Joseph Henry Blackburne, page 59, 60, 224, 580
   Harding, Steinitz in London, page 125, 175
   Löwenthal and Medley, Transactions of the BCA, 1868-1869, page 14
   Sergeant, Century of British Chess, page 145
   [CPM], vol. 1, no. 6, Dec. 1863, page 174
   [CPQC], vol. 1, no. 5, Feb. 1869, page 153
   [CW], vol. 3, no. 11, Feb. 1868, page 416
   [CW], vol. 4, no. 9, Dec. 1868, page 345
   [Era], vol. 26, no. 1352, 21 Aug. 1864, page 14
   [Era], vol. 27, no. 1382, 19 Mar. 1865, page 6
   [Era], vol. 32, no. 1643, 20 Mar. 1870, page 14
   [Era], vol. 33, no. 1697, 2 Apr. 1871, page 4
   [HWT], 29 Apr. 1871
   [ILN], vol. 52, no. 1467, 1 Feb. 1868, page 123
   [ILN], vol. 56, no. 1585, 19 Mar. 1870, page 307
   [ILN], vol. 58, no. 1643, 1 Apr. 1871, page 322
   [NYC], 22 Apr. 1871
   [SoT], 22 Mar. 1871
   [SZ], vol. 23, no. 23, Dec. 1868, page 363
   [WP], vol. 2, no. 12, 1 Apr. 1870, page 189
   [WP], vol. 3, no. 28, 1 Aug. 1870, page 56
   [WP], vol. 3, no. 32, 1 Dec. 1870, page 124
   [WP], vol. 3, no. 33, 1 Jan. 1871, page 139
   [WP], vol. 3, no. 36, 1 Apr. 1871, page 199

Tournament data

London, England 1869 (2)     Glowworm Prize Tournament    
  Smith, T. (1) - Blackburne, J.H.     0.5 - 0.5    
London, England 1870 (1)     Westminster Club - City of London Club Match    
  Smith, T. (1) - Hewitt, T.     0.5 - 0.5    
London, England 1871 (2)     City of London Club Handicap - Section 2    
  Smith, T. (1) - Godfrey     0 - 2          Smith, T. (1) gave odds of pawn and two moves
London, England 1871 (5)     City of London Club Handicap - Consolation Tournament    
  Smith, T. (1) - Fenton, R.H.F.     0 - 1    

Player information updated: 6 Aug. 2024