Creijghton, J.P.


Year       Rank    Edo    Dev.   Games 
1901  397  2153 (73) 7
1902  391  2161 (67) 5
1903  430  2142 (63) 0
1904  493  2124 (56) 7
1905  514  2120 (54) 18

Rating table notes

Biographical data
Name: Creijghton, J.P.  
   Also known as: J.P. Creyghton; Creighton
Is this the 'Creighton' who played at Leeuwarden in 1904?
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1901-1920, page 41, 53
   Gaige, Chess Tournament Crosstables II, page 206
   Malthan, Schellenberg and et al., Schachkongress des Barmer Schachvereins 1905, page 91, 615
   Thulin, Name index to CTC, page 52
   [DSZ], vol. 60, no. 9, Sep. 1905, page 260
   [TNS], vol. 9, no. 8, 1 Aug. 1901, page 165
   [TNS], vol. 10, no. 8, 1 Aug. 1902, page 179

Tournament data

Haarlem 1901 (4)     Netherland Chess Federation Tournament - 2nd Class, Group II     3.5  /  6
Haarlem 1901 (5)     Netherland Chess Federation Tournament - 2nd Class, Play-offs    
  Creijghton, J.P. - de Boer, A.     1 - 0    
Rotterdam 1902 (4)     30th Netherland Chess Federation Tournament - 2nd Class, Group B     3  /  4
Rotterdam 1902 (5)     30th Netherland Chess Federation Tournament - 2nd Class, Play-offs    
  Creijghton, J.P. - Vrijmoed, R.     1 - 0    
Leeuwarden 1904 (2)     32nd Netherland Chess Federation Tournament - 1st Class     3.5  /  7
Barmen 1905 (6)     Barmen Tournament - Hauptturnier B, Section 3     6.5  /  9
Barmen 1905 (7)     Barmen Tournament - Hauptturnier B, Siegergruppe     2  /  9

Player information updated: 22 Jul. 2022