Casperson, C.H.


Year       Rank    Edo    Dev.   Games 
1908  1111  1652 (121) 1
1909  1209  1657 (116) 0
1910  1182  1662 (111) 0
1911  1199  1667 (105) 0
1912  1153  1672 (98) 0
1913  1196  1676 (90) 0
1914  1117  1681 (81) 0
1915  1042  1686 (69) 12
1916  1039  1675 (68) 0
1917  1038  1665 (63) 11
1918  1040  1658 (61) 10
1919  1062  1669 (61) 11
1920  1161  1666 (64) 12
1921  1262  1656 (75) 0
1922  1267  1645 (83) 1
1923  1410  1635 (91) 1

Rating table notes

Biographical data
Name: Casperson, C.H.  
The Australian Chess Annual of 1896 (p.83) has 'Caspersonn'; Di Felice has 'Casperson' in Chess Results 1901-1920 and 'Casperson, C.H.' in Chess Results 1921-1930. The Sydney Evening News of 1 Jan. 1924 (p.6) has 'C.H. Casperssen' or 'C.H. Caspersson' (unclear); the Sydney Morning Herald of 2 Jan. 1924 (p.10) has 'C.H. Casperssen'; the Brisbane Courier of 2 Jan. 1924 (p.13) has 'C.H. Caspersonn'.
   Bignold, Australian Chess Annual, page 83
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1901-1920, page 302
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1921-1930, page 320
   [BrC], vol. 78, no. 20575, 2 Jan. 1924, page 13
   [ENS], no. 17018, 2 Jan. 1922, page 3
   [ENS], no. 17639, 1 Jan. 1924, page 6
   [SMH], no. 26207, 3 Jan. 1922, page 9
   [SMH], no. 26830, 2 Jan. 1924, page 10

Tournament data

Sydney and Brisbane 1908     13th New South Wales - Queensland Telegraphic Match    
  Casperson, C.H. - Jonas, W.H.     0 - 1    
Brisbane 1915     15th Queensland Championship     4.5  /  12
Brisbane 1917     17th Queensland Championship     3  /  11
Brisbane 1918     18th Queensland Championship     2  /  10
Brisbane 1919     19th Queensland Championship     4.5  /  11
Sydney and Brisbane 1920     18th New South Wales - Queensland Telegraphic Match    
  Casperson, C.H. - Kite, C.N.     0.5 - 0.5    
Brisbane 1920     20th Queensland Championship     3.5  /  11
Sydney and Brisbane 1922     20th New South Wales - Queensland Telegraphic Match    
  Casperson, C.H. - Prowse, J.B.     0.5 - 0.5    
Sydney and Brisbane 1923     21st New South Wales - Queensland Telegraphic Match    
  Casperson, C.H. - D'Arcy-Irvine, A.T.     0 - 1    
Sydney and Brisbane 1924     22nd New South Wales - Queensland Telegraphic Match    
  Casperson, C.H. - Walters, E.C.     0 - 1    

Player information updated: 27 Apr. 2021