Schindler, Josef (1)


Year       Rank    Edo    Dev.   Games 
1922  867  2030 (52) 16
1923  816  2083 (44) 24
1924  747  2120 (45) 10
1925  736  2133 (47) 0
1926  700  2146 (39) 24
1927  524  2207 (37) 29
1928  626  2175 (41) 11
1929  695  2162 (43) 11
1930  577  2203 (42) 24
1931  606  2206 (48) 11
1932  675  2188 (55) 0
1933  797  2171 (57) 0
1934  858  2154 (53) 15
1935  861  2162 (61) 0
1936  797  2169 (65) 0
1937  724  2176 (65) 9

Rating table notes

Biographical data
Name: Schindler, Josef (1)  
Born: 19 Mar. 1902
Gaige gives birth date 19-03-1902, as does the Deutsche Schachzeitung of 1972 (p.170). However, the Deutsche Schachblätter of 1969 (p.238) says that he was 73 years old then, which puts his year of birth at 1895-1896. There appears to be confusion over his first name. The Deutsche Schachblätter of 1926 (p.391) gave his name as 'Gg. Schindler', following an article in the Münchner Neueste Nachrichten of 28 Aug. 1926 which listed 'Georg Schindler' at Pirmasens 1926. However, the 11 Sep. 1926 issue of the same newspaper has 'Josef Schindler' there. (this information from Alan McGowan). This may be why Gaige had 'G. Schindler' at Munich 1924, Kissingen 1928, and Bamberg 1930, and why the 2002 history of Bavarian Chess (Der Bayerische Schachbund, by Diel) has 'Georg Schindler' several times. After some digging into German sources, Alan McGowan suggested to me that Georg and Josef Schindler of Munich were not in fact distinct players and that 'Georg' was simply an error that propagated. Josef Schindler of Munich is, however, distinct from the Dr. Josef Schindler who was playing in the Congresses of the German Chess Association in Czechoslovakia through the 1920s.
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1921-1930, page 336
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1936-1940, page 132
   Diel, Bayerische Schachbund, page 61, 62
   Gaige, Chess Personalia, page 376
   Ranneforth, Ranneforth's Schachkalender 1936
   Thulin, Name index to CTC, page 236, 237
   [DSB], 1926, page 25, 391, 432
   [DSB], 1969, page 238
   [DSZ], vol. 77, 1922, page 223
   [DSZ], 1932, page 8
   [DSZ], vol. 121, 1972, page 170
   [MNN], no. 238, 28 Aug. 1926, page 18
   [MNN], no. 252, 11 Sep. 1926, page 18

Match data  (f=formal; c=casual; s=soft)

Schindler, J. (1) - Atanasov, K. 1930         (f)     4.5   -   1.5

Tournament data

Innsbruck 1922 (3)     Bavarian Chess Federation Congress - Hauptturnier, Group 2     5  /  9
Munich 1922     Munich City Championship     1.5  /  11
Frankfurt 1923 (5)     23rd German Chess Federation Congress - Hauptturnier D     5  /  9
Munich 1923     Munich City Championship     6.5  /  15
Munich 1924 (1)     Munich City Championship     5.5  /  10
Vienna 1926 (5)     Congress of the German Chess Union in Vienna - Hauptturnier B     5  /  13
Munich 1926 (3)     Munich Championship     5.5  /  11
Munich 1927 (1)     Munich Championship Play-off    
  Schindler, J. (1) - Gebhard, H.     2.5 - 1.5    
Magdeburg 1927 (4)     25th German Chess Federation Congress - Hauptturnier B Siegergruppe     5.5  /  7
  Schindler, J. (1) - Babel, A.     0 - 1    
Munich 1927 (2)     Munich City Championship     7  /  10
Munich 1927 (3)     Bavarian Championship     4.5  /  7
Bad Kissingen 1928 (2)     11th Bavarian Chess Federation Congress - Championship     4.5  /  11
Munich 1929     Munich Tournament     4.5  /  11
Bamberg 1930     12th Bavarian Chess Federation Congress     3.5  /  7
Munich 1930 (1)     Vienna - Munich Match    
  Schindler, J. (1) - Becker, A.     0 - 1    
Munich 1930 (2)     Munich Championship     6  /  10
Munich 1931     Munich Championship     8  /  11
Munich 1934     Munich Championship     6.5  /  15
Stadtprozelten 1937     German Championship Preliminary     4.5  /  9

Player information updated: 8 Sept. 2024