Igel, Fritz


Year       Rank    Edo    Dev.   Games 
1921  370  2211 (60) 10
1922  366  2214 (55) 7
1923  446  2201 (56) 0
1924  508  2188 (51) 12
1925  550  2179 (54) 0
1926  592  2171 (52) 0
1927  638  2162 (41) 21
1928  567  2191 (43) 13
1929  623  2177 (44) 6
1930  700  2164 (39) 25
1931  723  2168 (42) 11
1932  697  2176 (42) 11
1933  726  2177 (38) 30
1934  812  2155 (45) 0
1935  924  2134 (40) 23
1936  899  2126 (44) 15
1937  792  2141 (51) 11
1938  772  2142 (66) 1

Rating table notes

Biographical data
Name: Igel, Fritz  
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1921-1930, page 326
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1931-1935, page 387
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1936-1940, page 357
   Skinner and Verhoeven, Alexander Alekhine's Chess Games, page 554
   Thulin, Name index to CTC, page 117

Tournament data

Vienna 1921 (4)     Austrian Chess Association Congress - Hauptturnier B     5.5  /  10
Vienna 1922 (6)     Austrian Chess Association Congress - Group 4     4.5  /  7
Trencianske Teplice 1924 (1)     Slovakia - Austria Match    
  Igel, F. - Allerhand, P.     0 - 1    
Vienna 1924 (3)     Austrian Chess Association Congress - Championship     6.5  /  11
Cheb 1927     6th Congress of the German Chess Federation in Czechoslovakia - Championship     4.5  /  9
Vienna 1927 (4)     Vienna Tournament     4.5  /  12
Vienna 1928 (1)     Sportklub Hakoah Tournament     5  /  13
Kralicky 1929 (1)     8th Congress of the German Chess Federation in Czechoslovakia - Meisterturnier     2.5  /  6
Vienna 1930 (1)     13th Trebitsch Memorial Tournament     4.5  /  16
Bilina 1930     9th Congress of the German Chess Federation in Czechoslovakia     2  /  8
Munich 1930 (1)     Vienna - Munich Match    
  Igel, F. - Harrasser     1 - 0    
Brno 1931 (3)     10th Congress of the German Chess Federation in Czechoslovakia - Championship     2.5  /  11
Vienna 1932     15th Trebitsch Memorial Tournament     3.5  /  11
Folkestone 1933 (2)     5th Olympiad     1.5  /  4
Klosterneuberg 1933     Klosterneuberg Tournament     6.5  /  11
Vienna 1933 (2)     16th Trebitsch Memorial Tournament     6  /  15
Vienna 1935 (1)     17th Trebitsch Memorial Tournament     5.5  /  15
Konstantinovy Lazne 1935     14th German Chess Federation Tournament in Czechoslovakia     1.5  /  8
Vienna 1936     19th Trebitsch Memorial Tournament     3  /  15
Vienna 1937 (2)     S.R. Wolf Memorial Tournament     6  /  11
Bratislava 1938 (1)     Bratislava - Vienna Match    
  Igel, F. - Hucl, K.     1 - 0    

Player information updated: 8 Jan. 2024