Sheffield 1865

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Askham, John    2 /
Cockayne, John    0 /
Cockayne, Edward    1844 (139) 2 /
Anderson (1)    0 /
Fawcett, James    1672 (163) 2 /
Edwards, W. (1)    1558 (143) 1 /
  Fawcett, James gave odds of pawn and move
Hutchinson (1)    1570 (161) 2 /
Shallcross, Henry    1585 (189) 1 /
  Shallcross, Henry gave odds of pawn and move
Herbert (1)    1901 (130) 2 /
Jackson (1)    1876 (136) 0 /
  Jackson (1) gave odds of pawn and move
Davy, Henry    2070 (90) 2 /
Cockayne, Bagshaw    1639 (149) 0 /
  Davy, Henry gave odds of pawn and move
Cocking, George    1741 (118) 2 /
Smith, Sydney (1)    1313 (172) 0 /
  Cocking, George gave odds of pawn and move
Shaw, William    1936 (101) 2 /
Greening, Joseph    1745 (110) 0 /
  Greening, Joseph gave odds of pawn and move
Cockayne, William    2118 (93) 2 /
Brownhill, Henry    0 /
  Cockayne, William gave odds of pawn and two moves
Bennett, J.    1974 (84) 2 /
Siddall    0 /
  Bennett, J. gave odds of pawn and two moves
Mort, Henry    2257 (76) 2 /
Barlow, J.    1863 (149) 1 /
  Mort, Henry gave odds of pawn and two moves
Champion, John    1859 (97) 2 /
Roddewig, William    0 /
  Champion, John gave odds of pawn and two moves
Davy, Henry    2070 (90) 2 /
Cocking, George    1741 (118) 0 /
Bennett, J.    1974 (84) 2 /
Champion, John    1859 (97) 1 /
Shaw, William    1936 (101) 2.5 /
Herbert (1)    1901 (130) 1.5 /
Cockayne, William    2118 (93) 1 /
Askham, John    0 /
  Cockayne, William gave odds of pawn and move
Hutchinson (1)    1570 (161) 1 /
Fawcett, James    1672 (163) 0 /
  Fawcett, James gave odds of pawn and move
Mort, Henry    2257 (76) 2 /
Cockayne, Edward    1844 (139) 0 /
  Mort, Henry gave odds of pawn and two moves
Mort, Henry    2257 (76) 2.5 /
Shaw, William    1936 (101) 0.5 /
  Mort, Henry gave odds of pawn and two moves
Bennett, J.    1974 (84) 2 /
Hutchinson (1)    1570 (161) 0 /
  Bennett, J. gave odds of pawn and two moves
Davy, Henry    2070 (90) 2 /
Cockayne, William    2118 (93) 0 /
Mort, Henry    2257 (76) 2 /
Davy, Henry    2070 (90) 0 /
  Mort, Henry gave odds of pawn and move
Mort, Henry    2257 (76) 3.5 /
Bennett, J.    1974 (84) 2.5 /
  Mort, Henry gave odds of pawn and move

Event table notes

Event data
Name: Sheffield Athenaeum Club Tournament
Place: Sheffield
Start date: 1865
End date: July 1865
This was a handicap knock-out tournament with 2 wins required to win each pairing. The Chess Player's Magazine and the Chess World have a mysterious result of 'Davy 0' in round 3 with no opponent listed, but the report in the Era shows Davy 2 - W. Cockayne 0. The tournament was stated to be 'recently terminated' in the Aug. 1865 issue of the Chess Player's Magazine, and the Chess World of Aug. 1865 (p.188) says it had 'recently terminated, after a duration of many months', so I guess that it ended in July 1865 and began earlier in that year. Was it Mort, Moet or Meöt at this event? The Chess Player's Magazine of Aug. 1865 (p.251) has 'Moet' throughout, and the Chess World of Aug. 1865 (p.188) has the same report also with 'Moet' (both are based on the same report sent by G.B. Cocking of the Sheffield Club). Steve Mann identifies the player as 'Joseph Louis Meöt de Monmusard'. However, the Chess World of Aug. 1865 (p.176) and Sep. 1865 (p.211) have games between Mort and Bennett from this event, and the Era of 30 Jul. 1865 (p.6) has Mort throughout.
   [CPM], vol. 3, no. 8, Aug. 1865, page 251
   [CW], vol. 1, no. 6, Aug. 1865, page 176, 188
   [CW], vol. 1, no. 7, Sep. 1865, page 211
   [Era], vol. 27, no. 1401, 30 July 1865, page 6
   Mann, Steve.  [Yorkshire Chess History - 1865: Sheffield Athenaeum Club Tournament]

Tournament page created: 30 Oct. 2016