Glasgow and Dundee 1866

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Fraser, George    2323 (60) 2 /
Donaldson, John    2279 (86) 0 /
Lindsay, David    2058 (93) 0.5 /
Moffat, Robert    2103 (139) 2.5 /
Sandeman, Patrick    1855 (113) 1 /
Duguid, John    1882 (127) 2 /
Patullo, G.A.    1917 (104) 1 /
Roberton, James    2016 (94) 2 /
Baxter, Charles    2203 (74) 1 /
Eekhout, B.    2201 (114) 2 /
Gloag, J.A. Lake    1961 (75) 2 /
Murray, William    1901 (102) 1 /
Lyell, D.    1593 (185) 1 /
Dunlop, D.    1698 (155) 2 /
Sime, David    1945 (93) 1.5 /
Ross, Alexander    1876 (110) 1.5 /
Thoms, T.W.    0.5 /
Duncan, John (1)    2.5 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: Dundee - Glasgow Club Match
Place: Glasgow and Dundee
Start date: 25 Apr. 1866
End date: 25 Apr. 1866
This was a 10-a-side team match, with 5 boards played in Glasgow, and 5 in Dundee simultaneously. The report in the Chess Player's Magazine of June 1866 (p.191) shows that the second board at Glasgow was played by P. Scott of Dundee against both W.W. Mitchell and A. Ross of Glasgow. It is not clear whether the latter two played in consultation, or whether some of the games were played by Mitchell and some by Ross. The result of this pairing was +2-1=0 for Scott, but I cannot include it without knowing who played each game on the Glasgow side.
   [CPM], vol. 2, no. 6, June 1866, page 191
   [ILN], vol. 48, no. 1369, 5 May 1866, page 451
   [ILN], vol. 48, no. 1370, 12 May 1866, page 475
   [ILN], vol. 76, no. 2134, 24 Apr. 1880, page 414

Tournament information updated: 5 Jan. 2017