Manchester 1878

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Steinkühler, Alexander    2015 (98) 1 /
Burn, Amos    2433 (56) 0 /
Wood, E. Hall    2127 (92) 0 /
Schüll, Ludolph    2210 (80) 1 /
Gazale, H.    2026 (92) 0 /
Wellington, Samuel    2227 (76) 1 /
Goulden, J.    2095 (106) 1 /
Dufresne, Gustav    2176 (91) 1 /
Jones, W. (1)    1922 (118) 0 /
Rutherford, Watson    2167 (105) 2 /
von Zabern, Theodor    2170 (82) 1 /
Soul, Cornelius    2121 (74) 1 /
Boyer, Richard    2083 (98) 1 /
Soul, John    2092 (85) 1 /
Jones, Henry (1)    2296 (91) 1 /
Ferguson, George    2059 (64) 0 /
Simon, Charles    2087 (111) 1 /
Allaire, J.E.    2190 (82) 1 /
Fish, James    2167 (78) 1 /
Sinclair, John    1935 (116) 1 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: Manchester - Liverpool Club Match
Place: Manchester
Start date: 16 Mar. 1878
End date: 16 Mar. 1878
The report in the Illustrated London News of 30 Mar. 1878 (p.303) says that the match was 9-a-side and drawn. This was corrected in the 13 Apr. 1878 issue (p.350) to +8-6=2 for Liverpool. Forster gives full results showing that it was 10-a-side and won by Liverpool +8-6=2.
   Forster, Amos Burn, page 148
   [ILN], vol. 72, no. 2022, 30 Mar. 1878, page 303
   [ILN], vol. 72, no. 2024, 13 Apr. 1878, page 350