Bristol 1861 (1)

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Boden, Samuel    2481 (71) 1 /
Horwitz, Bernhard    2367 (57) 0 /
Paulsen, Louis    2659 (39) 2 /
Kolisch, Ignatz    2639 (34) 1 /
Wayte, William    2353 (63) 1 /
Hampton, Thomas    2107 (113) 0 /
Wilson, William J.    2380 (74) 1 /
Stanley, Charles    2345 (54) 0 /
Boden, Samuel    2481 (71) 1 /
Wayte, William    2353 (63) 0 /
Paulsen, Louis    2659 (39) 1 /
Wilson, William J.    2380 (74) 0 /
Paulsen, Louis    2659 (39) 1 /
Boden, Samuel    2481 (71) 0 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: 4th British Chess Association Congress - Grand Tournament
Place: Bristol
Start date: 10 Sep. 1861
End date: 20 Sep. 1861
8-player knockout tournament. One win required per round, exclusive of draws. Feenstra Kuiper gives total scores suggesting that Paulsen-Kolisch only had one draw. All other sources show the score of this match to be +1-0=2 for Paulsen. Di Felice mistakenly gives Paulsen's first name as Ludwig. Spinrad gives the result +1-0=2 for Paulsen in offhand games against Kolisch (from Life Maps of the Masters), and the Illustrated London News of 21 Sept. 1861 (p.309) gives this result from 'a short encounter' between Paulsen and Kolisch, but these were almost certainly the 3 games between them from the Bristol tournament. Sergeant, in A Century of British Chess (p.109), says the final between Paulsen and Boden was played in London on 21 Sept. 1861.
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1747-1900, page 32
   Feenstra Kuiper, 100 Jahre Schachturniere, page 19
   Gaige, Chess Tournament Crosstables I, page 3
   Löwenthal and Medley, Chess Congress of 1862, page xxxiv
   Reichhelm and Shipley, Chess in Philadelphia, page 142
   Sergeant, Century of British Chess, page 109, 317
   Zavatarelli, Ignatz Kolisch, page 158
   [BLL], 22 Sep. 1861, page 1
   [CPC], vol. 3, no. 34, Oct. 1861, page 290
   [Era], vol. 24, no. 1199, 15 Sep. 1861, page 6
   [Era], vol. 24, no. 1200, 22 Sep. 1861, page 15
   [NR], vol. 2, no. 9, Sep. 1861, page 280
   [SLk], vol. 3, no. 35, Nov. 1861, page 252
   [SZ], vol. 16, no. 10, Oct. 1861, page 334
   Mann, Steve.  [Yorkshire Chess History - Dr. William John Wilson]
   Sericano, C.  [Bristol 1861]
   Spinrad, Jeremy P.  [Collected results, 1836-1863]

Tournament information updated: 8 Dec. 2023