Mounteney, A.W.


Year       Rank    Edo    Dev.   Games 
1882  796  1728 (107) 5
1883  854  1720 (108) 2
1884  960  1712 (110) 2
1885  882  1704 (113) 3
1886  906  1690 (117) 1

Rating table notes

Biographical data
Name: Mounteney, A.W.  
The Nottinghamshire Guardian of 10 Mar. 1882 (p.4) has 'A.W. Mountenay', as does the Chess Player's Chronicle of 24 May 1882 (p.249). The Record Book of the Nottingham Club consistently has 'A.W. Mounteney'.
   Nottingham Chess Club, Nottingham Club Records
   [CPC], vol. 6, no. 121, 24 May 1882, page 249
   [NG], no. 1920, 10 Mar. 1882, page 4

Tournament data

Leicester 1882 (1)     Nottingham - Leicester Match    
  Mounteney, A.W. - Gardiner, F.W.     2 - 0    
Nottingham 1882 (4)     Nottingham - Birmingham Club Match    
  Mounteney, A.W. - Lea, J.P.     0 - 2    
Leicester 1882 (2)     Nottingham - Leicester Match    
  Mounteney, A.W. - Finch, J.E.     0.5 - 0.5    
Derby 1883 (1)     Nottingham Mechanics Institute - Derby Club Match    
  Mounteney, A.W. - Robotham, W.B.     0.5 - 1.5    
Leicester (?) 1884     Nottingham - Leicester Club Match    
  Mounteney, A.W. - Braithwaite, G.V.     0.5 - 1.5    
Leicester 1885     Nottingham - Leicester Club Match    
  Mounteney, A.W. - Stanyon, W.     1 - 0    
Northampton 1885     Nottingham - Northampton Club Match    
  Mounteney, A.W. - Pitts     1.5 - 0.5    
Nottingham 1886 (1)     Nottingham - Leicester Club Match    
  Mounteney, A.W. - Hutchings, W.D.     0 - 1    

Player information updated: 8 Aug. 2021