Winz, Victor


Year       Rank    Edo    Dev.   Games 
1935  783  2179 (50) 21
1936  693  2192 (52) 0
1937  606  2206 (48) 9
1938  594  2208 (46) 9
1939  469  2231 (40) 15
1940  340  2267 (35) 28
1941  352  2248 (33) 61

Rating table notes

Biographical data
Name: Winz, Victor  
   Also known as: né Victor Giteliowitsch, Victor Gitelewitz
Born: 31 Aug. 1901
Alan McGowan provided official records of birth. The Wiener Schachzeitung of May 1935 (p.155) has 'Viktor Winz'. The Palestine Post (22 Sep. 1937, p .6 and 29 Sep. 1937, p.6) has 'Wintz'.
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1931-1935, page 347
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1936-1940, page 379
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1941-1946, page 365
   [PP], vol. 12, no. 3451, 22 Sep. 1937, page 6
   [PP], vol. 12, no. 3456, 29 Sep. 1937, page 6
   [WSZ], vol. 32, no. 10, May 1935, page 155
   Pilpel, Avital.  [Chess in the 1935 Maccabiah -- two 'Mystery Players'?]

Tournament data

Tel Aviv 1935     Maccabiah Tournament     5  /  10
Warsaw 1935 (2)     6th Olympiad     3  /  13
Jerusalem 1937     2nd Palestine Championship     6  /  10
Tel Aviv 1938     3rd Palestine Championship     5  /  9
Buenos Aires 1939 (4)     8th Olympiad - Qualifying Group 4     2  /  4
Buenos Aires 1939 (6)     8th Olympiad - Final A     4.5  /  11
Buenos Aires 1940 (2)     Circulo de Ajedrez Tournament     7  /  13
Buenos Aires 1940 (3)     19th Argentine Championship - Challenger's Selection Tournament     9.5  /  15
Mar del Plata 1941     Mar del Plata Tournament     4.5  /  17
Buenos Aires 1941 (1)     Hebraica Tournament     6  /  15
Buenos Aires 1941 (2)     Circulo de Ajedrez Tournament     7.5  /  15
Buenos Aires 1941 (5)     20th Argentine Championship - Challengers Selection, Preliminary     6.5  /  9
Buenos Aires 1941 (6)     20th Argentine Championship - Challengers Selection, Final     0.5  /  5

Player information updated: 13 Feb. 2024