Vethake, Henry


Year       Rank    Edo    Dev.   Games 
1837  16  2415 (132) 3
1838  18  2416 (131) 0
1839  18  2417 (130) 0
1840  16  2418 (129) 0
1841  16  2419 (128) 0
1842  18  2420 (126) 0
1843  20  2422 (123) 0
1844  21  2423 (121) 0
1845  25  2424 (118) 0
1846  27  2425 (114) 0
1847  23  2426 (110) 7

Rating table notes

Biographical data
Name: Vethake, William Henry  
   Also known as: Professor Henry Vethake
Born: 26 May 1791
Died: 16 Dec. 1866
Gaige gives birth year 1792. The Penn Biographies web site gives birth year 1790. The Encyclopedia Dickinsonia gives birth date 26-05-1791. Allen (in Fiske) says he started his chess career at age 9 and 'during his boyhood he played frequently in New York society as a Chess prodigy'.
   Fiske, First American Chess Congress, page 59, 70, 352
   Gaige, Chess Personalia, page 445
   Gilberg, Fifth American Chess Congress, page 54
   Reichhelm and Shipley, Chess in Philadelphia, page 23
   [FLIN], 8 Mar. 1856
   [FLIN], 14 Nov. 1857
   [ILN], vol. 31, no. 877, 5 Sep. 1857, page 250
   [ILN], vol. 31, no. 888, 21 Nov. 1857, page 518
   [NYC], 2 Feb. 1867
   [NYTi], 7 Oct. 1857
   [NYTr], 7 Oct. 1857
   [PDEB], 21 Dec. 1866
   [PDEB], 28 Dec. 1866
   [TFF], 5 Jan. 1867
   [Henry Vethake]
   [Penn Biographies: Henry Vethake]

Match data  (f=formal; c=casual; s=soft)

Schlumberger, W. - Vethake, W.H. 1837         (c)     1.5   -   1.5
Vethake, W.H. - Vezin, C. 1847         (c)     5   -   2

Player information updated: 15 Jan. 2020