Séguin, James


Year       Rank    Edo    Dev.   Games 
1881  234  2169 (62) 32
1882  216  2189 (64) 0
1883  203  2209 (60) 24
1884  214  2220 (59) 22
1885  210  2223 (64) 0
1886  213  2226 (63) 27
1887  209  2236 (69) 0
1888  205  2246 (71) 0
1889  193  2256 (70) 17
1890  168  2283 (75) 4
1891  158  2289 (83) 0
1892  159  2296 (89) 2

Rating table notes

Biographical data
Name: Séguin, James DeBenneville  
Born: 11 Sep. 1853
Died: 28 Nov. 1916
   Gaige, Chess Personalia, page 383
   Gilberg, Fifth American Chess Congress, page 500
   Hilbert and Lahde, Albert Beauregard Hodges, page 2
   New Orleans Chess, Checkers and Whist Club, New Orleans Club 1881, page 3, 25, 30
   New Orleans Chess, Checkers and Whist Club, New Orleans Club 1882, page 24
   Sarah.  [Chess, Checkers and Whist Club]
   Winter, Edward.  [CN 5173. Steinitz and who?]

Match data  (f=formal; c=casual; s=soft)

Seguin, J.D. - Chigorin, M.I. 1892         (c)     1   -   0

Tournament data

New Orleans 1881 (1)     1st New Orleans Chess, Checkers and Whist Club Tournament     7.5  /  10
New Orleans 1881 (2)     2nd New Orleans Chess, Checkers and Whist Club Tournament     20  /  30
New Orleans 1883     4th New Orleans Chess, Checkers and Whist Club Tournament     20  /  24
New Orleans 1884     5th New Orleans Chess, Checkers and Whist Club Tournament     17.5  /  22
New Orleans 1886 (1)     New Orleans Chess, Checkers and Whist Club Handicap Tournament    
  Seguin, J.D. - Tennison, O.M.     0 - 1          Seguin, J.D. gave odds of pawn and two moves
New Orleans 1886 (2)     7th New Orleans Chess, Checkers and Whist Club Tournament     23  /  26
New Orleans 1889     9th New Orleans Chess, Checkers and Whist Club Tournament     13.5  /  17
New Orleans 1890     5th New Orleans Chess, Checkers and Whist Clup Handicap Tournament    
  Seguin, J.D. - Pritchett, G.D.     1 - 0          Seguin, J.D. gave odds of pawn and two moves
  Seguin, J.D. - Favrot, H.L.     1 - 0          Seguin, J.D. gave odds of pawn and two moves
  Seguin, J.D. - Cooley, W.H.     1 - 0          Seguin, J.D. gave odds of a knight
  Seguin, J.D. - Labatt, L.L.     1 - 0    
  Seguin, J.D. - Dameron, F.     1 - 0    
New York and New Orleans 1892     Manhattan - New Orleans telegraph match    
  Seguin, J.D. - Baird, D.G.     0.5 - 0.5    

Player information updated: 6 May 2022