Chaseray, Charles


Year       Rank    Edo    Dev.   Games 
1867  289  2011 (130) 2
1868  284  2025 (128) 0
1869  266  2039 (126) 0
1870  265  2053 (124) 0
1871  264  2067 (121) 0
1872  264  2081 (119) 0
1873  253  2095 (115) 0
1874  241  2109 (111) 0
1875  239  2124 (107) 0
1876  224  2138 (102) 0
1877  200  2152 (96) 0
1878  190  2166 (90) 0
1879  177  2180 (82) 0
1880  181  2194 (72) 0
1881  181  2208 (60) 24
1882  200  2197 (65) 0
1883  232  2186 (66) 12
1884  255  2180 (74) 0
1885  263  2173 (79) 0
1886  278  2167 (83) 1
1887  281  2170 (88) 0
1888  276  2173 (92) 1
1889  256  2181 (96) 0
1890  269  2190 (100) 1
1891  271  2185 (106) 0
1892  303  2180 (111) 0
1893  306  2175 (116) 1

Rating table notes

Biographical data
Name: Chaseray, Charles Emile  
   Also known as: Chasery; Chasseray; Chazeray
Born: 1828
Died: 3 Apr. 1909
Gaige gives birth between 4-04-1828 and 3-04-1829. Gaige's Chess Personalia and Di Felice both give 'Chasery' but Gaige's Chess Tournament Crosstables and most other sources, including La Stratégie (see Cornil) give 'Chaseray'. Le Sphinx (1 Oct. 1866, vol.2, p.154) has 'Chazeray'.
   Cornil, Le Café de la Régence, page 126, 139, 142, 202, 242
   Féry d'Esclands, Congrès des Échecs 1867, page lxxxv
   Gaige, Chess Personalia, page 68
   [CW], vol. 3, no. 9, Dec. 1867, page 348
   [Reg], vol. 3, no. 6, June 1851, page 190
   [Reg], vol. 3, no. 7, July 1851, page 198
   [Sph], vol. 2, no. 10, 1 Oct. 1866, page 154
   [Str], vol. 1, no. 8, 15 Aug. 1867, page 178
   Sarah.  [Café de la Régence II]
   Thimognier, Dominique.  [Paris 1880 - 1er Tournoi National]

Tournament data

Paris 1867 (2)     International Chess Congress - Tournoi de la Régence    
  Chaseray, C.E. - Czarnowski, H.I.     0 - 2    
Paris 1881 (1)     1st French National Tournament     4.5  /  12
Paris 1881 (3)     2nd French National Tournament     4.5  /  12
Paris 1883 (2)     3rd French National Tournament     6  /  12
Paris 1886 (2)     British Chess Club - Paris Cercle des Echecs Match    
  Chaseray, C.E. - Mills, D.Y.     0 - 1    
Paris 1888 (3)     British Chess Club - Paris Cercle des Echecs Match    
  Chaseray, C.E. - Hoffer, L.     0 - 1    
Paris 1890 (2)     British Chess Club - Paris Cercle des Echecs Match    
  Chaseray, C.E. - Donisthorpe, W.     1 - 0    
Paris 1893     British Chess Club - Paris Cercle des Echecs Match    
  Chaseray, C.E. - Hewitt, T.     1 - 0    

Player information updated: 22 Jul. 2020