Ridpath, Edward


Year       Rank    Edo    Dev.   Games 
1881  524  1924 (96) 1
1882  539  1935 (88) 3
1883  598  1926 (85) 1
1884  666  1915 (83) 2
1885  666  1910 (81) 0
1886  675  1905 (77) 0
1887  667  1901 (72) 14
1888  673  1899 (82) 1
1889  656  1900 (91) 0
1890  691  1902 (99) 0
1891  695  1903 (105) 0
1892  735  1904 (111) 0
1893  749  1905 (117) 0
1894  777  1906 (121) 0
1895  777  1908 (126) 0
1896  772  1909 (130) 0
1897  775  1910 (133) 0
1898  787  1911 (137) 0
1899  805  1912 (140) 0
1900  829  1914 (143) 0
1901  824  1915 (146) 0
1902  819  1916 (148) 1

Rating table notes

Biographical data
Name: Ridpath, Edward  
The Chess Monthly has 'Ridpath' as does the British Chess Magazine of 1884, except on p.203, where it has 'Redpath'. The Chess Player's Chronicle of 13 Dec. 1881 (p.600) has 'Redpath'. Tim Harding also has 'Redpath' in his book on Blackburne (p.175).
   Harding, Joseph Henry Blackburne, page 175
   [BCM], vol. 4, no. 5, May 1884, page 203
   [BCM], vol. 4, no. 6, June 1884, page 241
   [BCM], vol. 11, no. 4, Apr. 1891, page 146
   [CML], vol. 1, no. 3, Nov. 1879, page 66
   [CML], vol. 3, no. 10, June 1882, page 292
   [CML], vol. 5, no. 3, Nov. 1883, page 67
   [CPC], vol. 5, no. 98, 13 Dec. 1881, page 600
   McAlister, David and Forster, Richard.  [Porterfield Rynd 1846-1917]

Tournament data

London, England 1881 (4)     City of London Club First Class - Fourth Class Match    
  Ridpath, E. - Blackburne, J.H.     0 - 1          Blackburne, J.H. gave odds of a knight
London, England 1882 (2)     City of London Club 3rd Class - 4th Class Match    
  Ridpath, E. - Piper, T.H.J.D.     1 - 0          Piper, T.H.J.D. gave odds of pawn and move
London, England 1882 (5)     City of London Club 4th Class - Oxford University Club Match    
  Ridpath, E. - Heaton, W.H.     1 - 0    
London, England 1882 (6)     City of London Club 4th Class - Oxford University Club Match    
  Ridpath, E. - Crosse, E.I.     0.5 - 0.5    
London, England 1882 (8)     City of London Club Handicap    
  Ridpath, E. - Britten, J.F.     1 - 0          Ridpath, E. gave odds of pawn and move
London, England 1883 (1)     City of London Club 4th Class - Oxford University Club Match    
  Ridpath, E. - Weall, S.     0.5 - 0.5    
London, England 1884 (2)     City of London Club 4th Class - Oxford University Club Match    
  Ridpath, E. - Locock, C.D.     0 - 1    
London, England 1884 (12)     City of London Club 4th Class - Oxford University Club Match    
  Ridpath, E. - Locock, C.D.     0 - 1    
London, England 1887 (3)     British Chess Club Handicap     3  /  14      odds player in pawn and move class
Paris 1888 (3)     British Chess Club - Paris Cercle des Echecs Match    
  Ridpath, E. - Nodler     0.5 - 0.5    
London, England 1902 (2)     British Chess Club - Universities Match    
  Ridpath, E. - Prichard, A.I.     1 - 0    

Player information updated: 19 Aug. 2022