Results |
Match scores
Name |
Edo |
Dev. |
Score |
/ |
Games |
Barnes, Thomas |
2415 | (53) |
4 | / | 6 |
Simons, Arthur |
2297 | (85) |
2 | / | 6 |
Zytogórski, Adolf |
2439 | (45) |
5 | / | 9 |
Brien, Robert |
2451 | (37) |
4 | / | 9 |
Green, Valentine |
2289 | (38) |
4 | / | 7 |
Kenny, Charles |
2309 | (40) |
3 | / | 7 |
Marett, Charles |
2275 | (58) |
4.5 | / | 7 |
de Szabo, Emeric |
2288 | (41) |
2.5 | / | 7 |
Zytogórski, Adolf |
2439 | (45) |
4 | / | 5 |
Barnes, Thomas |
2415 | (53) |
1 | / | 5 |
Green, Valentine |
2289 | (38) |
4.5 | / | 8 |
Marett, Charles |
2275 | (58) |
3.5 | / | 8 |
Zytogórski, Adolf |
2439 | (45) |
4 | / | 5 |
Green, Valentine |
2289 | (38) |
1 | / | 5 |
Event table notes
Event data |
Name: Kling's Coffee House Tournament |
Place: London, England |
Start date: Apr. 1855 |
End date: May 1855 |
Notes: |
This was an 8-player knockout tournament. Spinrad and the 'La Grande Storia degli Scacchi' web site give Barnes-Simons as 4-2, whereas Di Felice gives +4-0=2. The former agress with the report in the 1855 Chess Player's Chronicle. Spinrad gives a match between Brien and Zytogorski, but the result is the same as their result in this tournament, so I presume it was not a separate match. Sergeant's 'A Century of British Chess' also gives the Brien-Zytogorski result as a separate match (p.91) as well as the Zytogorski-Green result (p.94). The Chess Player's Chronicle gives the games of Zytogorski-Brien and Zytogorski-Barnes as match results without mentioning the tournament, but they surely belong to the tournament. The Era of 3 Jun. 1855 (p.12) gives the result of Zytogorski-Barnes as 4-2, while the Chess Player's Chronicle (1855, p.205) gives 4-1 for Zytogorski. |
References |
Books |
Di Felice, Chess Results, 1747-1900, page 18 |
Harding, Eminent Victorian Chess Players, page 41 |
Periodicals |
[CPC], vol. 3, no. 6, June 1855, page 180 |
[CPC], vol. 3, no. 7, July 1855, page 215 |
[CPC], vol. 3, 1855, page 205, 267 |
[Era], vol. 17, no. 867, 6 May 1855, page 5 |
[Era], vol. 17, no. 868, 13 May 1855, page 14 |
[Era], vol. 17, no. 869, 20 May 1855, page 6 |
[Era], vol. 17, no. 870, 27 May 1855, page 13 |
[Era], vol. 17, no. 871, 3 June 1855, page 12 |
[Era], vol. 17, no. 872, 10 June 1855, page 11 |
[SZ], vol. 10, no. 7, July 1855, page 226 |
[WSZ], vol. 1, no. 7, July 1855, page 257 |
Web |
Sericano, C. [London, Kling's Coffee House Tournament, 1855] |
Spinrad, Jeremy P. [Collected results, 1836-1863] |
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