Barnes, Thomas


Year       Rank    Edo    Dev.   Games 
1853  56  2356 (71) 5
1854  45  2385 (64) 0
1855  35  2415 (53) 11
1856  15  2466 (45) 30
1857  15  2503 (47) 3
1858  17  2505 (41) 41
1859  27  2463 (47) 7
1860  37  2441 (51) 4
1861  36  2434 (50) 10
1862  32  2447 (52) 17

Rating table notes

Biographical data
Name: Barnes, Thomas Wilson  
Born: 1825
Died: 20 Aug. 1874
Feenstra Kuiper has birth year 1824. Gaige has birth year 1825.
   Feenstra Kuiper, 100 Jahre Schachzweikämpfe, page 74
   Fiske, First American Chess Congress, page 513, 530
   Gaige, Chess Personalia, page 24
   Harding, Joseph Henry Blackburne, page 37
   Harding, Steinitz in London, page 41
   Hooper and Whyld, Oxford Companion (1st ed.), page 24
   Lange and Falkbeer, Paul Morphy Sketch, page 147, 340
   Löwenthal and Medley, Chess Congress of 1862, page xl
   Sergeant, Century of British Chess, page 91, 115, 145, 165
   Zavatarelli, Ignatz Kolisch, page 78
   [BLL], 23 Feb. 1862, page 1
   [CPC], vol. 3, no. 30, June 1861, page 165
   [CPC], vol. 4, no. 5, Oct. 1874, page 153
   [CPM], vol. 2, no. 4, Apr. 1866, page 109
   [CPM], vol. 3, no. 8, 1 Aug. 1867, page 252
   [CW], vol. 2, no. 5, July 1866, page 155
   [Era], vol. 23, no. 1184, 2 June 1861, page 16
   [Fld], 29 Aug. 1874
   [ILN], vol. 40, no. 1132, 22 Feb. 1862, page 204
   [ILN], vol. 48, no. 1375, 16 June 1866, page 595
   [ILN], vol. 65, no. 1827, 29 Aug. 1874, page 212
   [SoT], 19 Sep. 1874
   [WP], vol. 5, no. 1, 1 May 1872, page 5
   Sarah.  [Biographies of Prince Dadian]
   Sarah.  [Paul Meets Anderssen]
   Sarah.  [Paul Morphy's Contenders]
   Sericano, C.  [Maestri di scacchi dell'800]
   Spinrad, Jeremy P.  [Early World Rankings], page 7
   Winter, Edward.  [CN 9909. Joseph Brown]

Match data  (f=formal; c=casual; s=soft)

Buckle, H.T. - Barnes, T.W. 1853         (c)     3.5   -   1.5      Buckle, H.T. gave odds of pawn and move
Barnes, T.W. - Lowenthal, J.J. 1856         (c)     2.5   -   1.5
Barnes, T.W. - Lowenthal, J.J. 1857         (c)     3   -   0
Morphy, P.C. - Barnes, T.W. 1858 (1)         (c)     13   -   6
Morphy, P.C. - Barnes, T.W. 1858 (2)         (c)     6   -   1
Campbell, Jos.G. - Barnes, T.W. 1858         (f)     8   -   7
de Riviere, J.A. - Barnes, T.W. 1859         (f)     5   -   2
Kolisch, I. - Barnes, T.W. 1860         (f)     3.5   -   0.5
Kolisch, I. - Barnes, T.W. 1861         (f)     8.5   -   1.5

Tournament data

London, England 1855     Kling's Coffee House Tournament    
  Barnes, T.W. - Simons, A.     4 - 2    
  Barnes, T.W. - Zytogorski, A.     1 - 4    
London, England 1856 (1)     McDonnell Chess Club Tournament    
  Barnes, T.W. - Bloundell     4 - 0    
  Barnes, T.W. - Kenny, C.     4.5 - 0.5    
  Barnes, T.W. - Falkbeer, E.K.     3 - 2    
  Barnes, T.W. - de Szabo, E.     2 - 3    
  Barnes, T.W. - Falkbeer, E.K.     0 - 1    
London, England 1856 (2)     Ries' Divan Handicap Tournament    
  Barnes, T.W. - Stewart, H.C.     2.5 - 3.5          Barnes, T.W. gave odds of pawn and move
London, England 1862 (3)     British Chess Association Congress - Grand Tournament     9  /  17

Player information updated: 3 Apr. 2022