Liverpool 1871

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Hamel, Sigismund    2145 (86) 2 /
Soul, Cornelius    2118 (59) 0 /
Steinkühler, Alexander    1976 (88) 0 /
Steel, Robert    2069 (106) 2 /
Bantock, William    2192 (130) 1 /
Schüll, Ludolph    2222 (71) 1 /
Bodé, Charles    2089 (73) 1 /
Dufresne, Gustav    2268 (69) 2 /
Werner, M. Edward    2241 (64) 0.5 /
Burn, Amos    2451 (47) 1.5 /
Wood, M. Bateson    2013 (86) 3 /
Cox, Charles    1660 (167) 0 /
Johnson, T.    1620 (171) 0.5 /
Wood, J.M.    1990 (89) 1.5 /
Grübe, T.    2089 (89) 1.5 /
Soul, John    2248 (56) 0.5 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: Manchester - Liverpool Club Match
Place: Liverpool
Start date: 25 Mar. 1871
End date: 25 Mar. 1871
Forster has 'F.J. Hamel' at this event, but a personal communication from Tim Harding gives Frederick Julius Hamel's birth year as 1862, so it seems unlikely that he would be playing for the Manchester team at such a young age. Ludwig Hamel died in 1870. Harding (p.55) suggests that it might have been Sigismund Hamel in this event. I will follow this suggestion.
   Forster, Amos Burn, page 52
   Harding, Joseph Henry Blackburne, page 55
   [Era], vol. 33, no. 1698, 9 Apr. 1871, page 7
   [Era], vol. 33, no. 1703, 14 May 1871, page 4
   [ILN], vol. 58, no. 1644, 8 Apr. 1871, page 347
   [LiM], no. 7230, 27 Mar. 1871, page 6
   [WP], vol. 3, no. 36, 1 Apr. 1871, page 189

Tournament information updated: 5 May 2020