Barry, George (1)


Year       Rank    Edo    Dev.   Games 
1865  313  1933 (124) 3
1866  341  1936 (122) 0
1867  329  1938 (120) 0
1868  342  1941 (117) 0
1869  342  1944 (115) 0
1870  366  1946 (111) 0
1871  389  1949 (107) 3
1872  394  1957 (107) 0
1873  390  1964 (106) 0
1874  401  1972 (105) 0
1875  411  1979 (103) 0
1876  390  1987 (101) 5
1877  361  2000 (101) 0
1878  351  2014 (102) 0
1879  326  2027 (101) 0
1880  340  2041 (100) 0
1881  365  2054 (98) 0
1882  364  2068 (95) 0
1883  373  2081 (92) 0
1884  376  2095 (87) 0
1885  355  2108 (81) 0
1886  339  2122 (72) 0
1887  326  2136 (62) 10
1888  334  2126 (59) 5
1889  327  2128 (57) 8
1890  381  2106 (57) 4
1891  400  2091 (55) 12
1892  424  2094 (58) 0
1893  434  2096 (54) 19
1894  475  2077 (62) 3
1895  495  2068 (69) 0
1896  504  2058 (73) 0
1897  532  2049 (75) 0
1898  581  2039 (75) 0
1899  610  2030 (73) 12

Rating table notes

Biographical data
Name: Barry, George (1)  
Presence at Montreal 1889 [?] indicated by correspondence from David Cohen. Some sources give 'J. Barry', not 'G. Barry' - different players?
   Gaige, Chess Personalia, page 25
   Hilbert, Writings in Chess History, page 11, 27, 47
   Hilbert, Young Marshall, page 15
   Yanofsky, 100 Years of Chess in Canada, page 27
   Brennen, Neil R.  [The Postal Lion: Jackson Showalter and Correspondence Chess]
   Cohen, David.  [Canadian Chess: Champions - Closed]
   Cohen, David.  [Canadian Chess: George Barry]
   Hilbert, John S.  [Howard Staunton and Chess by 'Electric Telegraph']
   Wright, Stephen.  [Early Canadian Championships]

Match data  (f=formal; c=casual; s=soft)

Jones, F.T. - Barry, G. (1) 1876         (c)     2   -   3      Jones, F.T. gave odds of a rook
Pollock, W.H.K. - Barry, G. (1) 1893         (f)     1   -   0
de Soyres, J. - Barry, G. (1) 1894         (c)     2   -   1

Tournament data

Montreal and Quebec 1865     Montréal - Québec Telegraphic Match    
  Barry, G. (1) - Champion, C.P.     1 - 2    
Montreal and Quebec 1871     Montréal - Québec Telegraphic Match    
  Barry, G. (1) - Andrews, F.H.     0.5 - 2.5    
Montreal 1887     14th Canadian Championship     5  /  8
  Barry, G. (1) - MacLeod, N.M.     1.5 - 0.5    
Quebec and Montreal 1888     15th Canadian Championship     2  /  5
Montreal 1889     16th Canadian Championship     4.5  /  8
Montreal 1890     Montreal Club Tournament     22.5  /  27
Montreal 1891     18th Canadian Championship     3.5  /  12
Montreal 1893 (2)     1st Montreal Club Championship     10.5  /  18
Montreal 1899 (1)     24th Canadian Championship     4.5  /  12

Player information updated: 5 May 2020