Glasgow 1875 (1)

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Fraser, George    2294 (63) 1 /
Burn, Amos    2544 (39) 0 /
Spens, Walter    2087 (44) 0 /
Ranken, Charles    2261 (42) 1 /
Meikle, Christopher    2099 (66) 0.5 /
Wayte, William    2361 (40) 0.5 /
Hunter, Andrew    2138 (47) 1 /
Skipworth, Arthur    2215 (41) 0 /
Moffat, Robert    2018 (149) 0 /
Archdall, Hewan    2246 (49) 1 /
Jenkin, John    2303 (53) 1 /
Halford, John    2102 (55) 0 /
Tait, William    1971 (105) 1 /
Coker, John    2187 (44) 0 /
Walker, William    2340 (93) 1 /
Martin, William    2027 (43) 0 /
Murray, Archibald    1943 (54) 0 /
Fisher, Bernard    2320 (43) 1 /
Spens, Walter    2087 (44) 0 /
Minchin, James    2313 (37) 1 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: 6th Counties Chess Association Meeting - Scotland - England Match
Place: Glasgow
Start date: 4 Aug. 1875
End date: 6 Aug. 1875
According to Forster and the Chess Players' Chronicle, Minchin's opponent was supposed to be R.M. Grant, but he was absent so Spens took his place, playing two English opponents.
   Forster, Amos Burn, page 93
   [CPC], vol. 4, no. 10, Aug. 1875, page 312
   [Fld], 7 Aug. 1875
   [Fld], 14 Aug. 1875
   [HCM], vol. 3, no. 12, Sep. 1875, page 257

Tournament information updated: 22 Jul. 2022