Spens, Walter


Year       Rank    Edo    Dev.   Games 
1867  270  2038 (66) 18
1868  262  2048 (70) 0
1869  255  2058 (71) 0
1870  254  2067 (69) 0
1871  257  2077 (64) 3
1872  236  2115 (58) 3
1873  213  2134 (50) 27
1874  238  2111 (49) 8
1875  274  2089 (44) 29
1876  279  2085 (44) 30
1877  284  2074 (54) 0
1878  304  2063 (58) 0
1879  305  2052 (56) 0
1880  339  2041 (49) 18
1881  362  2056 (49) 8
1882  398  2042 (48) 9
1883  423  2049 (47) 7
1884  437  2063 (42) 29
1885  467  2041 (41) 28
1886  523  2004 (42) 28
1887  574  1978 (48) 7
1888  579  1978 (50) 7
1889  538  1998 (48) 11
1890  478  2042 (45) 23
1891  488  2040 (50) 6
1892  470  2069 (51) 10
1893  402  2108 (54) 6
1894  381  2123 (54) 8
1895  422  2107 (55) 7
1896  455  2086 (56) 5
1897  485  2073 (55) 10
1898  538  2060 (59) 4
1899  598  2037 (61) 7
1900  657  2014 (67) 7

Rating table notes

Biographical data
Name: Spens, Walter Cook  
   Also known as: Sheriff Walter Cook Spens
Born: 1 Feb. 1842
Died: 15 July 1900
   Forster, Amos Burn, page 177, 969
   Gaige, Chess Personalia, page 401
   Harding, Joseph Henry Blackburne, page 54, 542, 580
   Harding, Steinitz in London, page 166
   Renette and Zavatarelli, Neumann, Hirschfeld and Suhle, page 288, 375
   Sergeant, Century of British Chess, page 149, 192, 238
   [CLCM], vol. 1, no. 11, Dec. 1874, page 271
   [CPM], vol. 3, no. 10, 1 Oct. 1867, page 307
   [ILN], vol. 58, no. 1653, 3 June 1871, page 555
   [SZ], vol. 25, no. 7, July 1870, page 196
   [TG], vol. 33, no. 6, 6 Jan. 1877, page 7
   [WP], vol. 4, no. 2, 1 June 1871, page 19
   McGowan, Alan.  [Scottish Championship 1894]
   Sarah.  [The Denoument - Morphy Retires]
   Sericano, C.  [Dundee 1867]
   Winter, Edward.  [CN 4652. Chess by circulation]
   [Development of the Club]

Match data  (f=formal; c=casual; s=soft)

Spens, W.C. - Scott, W. (3) 1873         (f)     3   -   1
Spens, W.C. - Hunter, A. 1873         (f)     6   -   5
Spens, W.C. - Fraser, Ja.C. 1873         (f)     3   -   1
Spens, W.C. - Marshall, P. 1873         (f)     5   -   3
Hunter, A. - Spens, W.C. 1874 (1)         (f)     4   -   2
Hunter, A. - Spens, W.C. 1874 (2)         (f)     0   -   2
Spens, W.C. - Scott, W. (3) 1875         (f)     4.5   -   3.5
Spens, W.C. - Hunter, A. 1875         (f)     4   -   3
Hunter, A. - Spens, W.C. 1876         (f)     4   -   3
Spens, W.C. - Crum, J. 1876         (f)     4   -   1
Spens, W.C. - Murray, W.F. 1876         (f)     4   -   0
Mills, D.Y. - Spens, W.C. 1881         (f)     4   -   2
Spens, W.C. - Chambers, J.D. 1884         (f)     3   -   0
Whiteley, J.L. - Spens, W.C. 1884 (1)         (f)     5   -   3
Whiteley, J.L. - Spens, W.C. 1884 (2)         (f)     4   -   2
Spens, W.C. - Barbier, G.E. 1885         (f)     7   -   3
Chambers, J.D. - Spens, W.C. 1885         (f)     4   -   3
Gilchrist, Jo. - Spens, W.C. 1886 (1)         (f)     4   -   2
Gilchrist, Jo. - Spens, W.C. 1886 (2)         (f)     0   -   4
Marshall, J. (1) - Spens, W.C. 1886         (f)     4   -   3

Tournament data

Dundee 1867 (1)     Dundee Tournament     0.5  /  9
Dundee 1867 (2)     Scottish Tournament     3  /  7
Dundee 1867 (3)     Dundee Handicap Tournament    
  Spens, W.C. - Fraser, G.B.     1 - 0          Fraser, G.B. gave odds of pawn and two moves
  Spens, W.C. - Fraser, Ja.C.     0 - 1          Fraser, Ja.C. gave odds of pawn and move
Edinburgh 1871     East and West of Scotland Match    
  Spens, W.C. - Baxter, C.R.     0 - 3    
Edinburgh and Glasgow 1872     East and West of Scotland Match    
  Spens, W.C. - Baxter, C.R.     2 - 0    
Glasgow and London, England 1872     Crystal Palace Meeting: Glasgow-London Telegraph Match    
  Spens, W.C. - Minchin, J.I.     0 - 1    
Glasgow 1875 (1)     6th Counties Chess Association Meeting - Scotland - England Match    
  Spens, W.C. - Ranken, C.E.     0 - 1    
  Spens, W.C. - Minchin, J.I.     0 - 1    
Glasgow 1875 (2)     6th Counties Chess Association Meeting - Provincial Champion's Cup     3  /  11
Glasgow 1875 (3)     6th Counties Chess Association Meeting - Handicap Tournament    
  Spens, W.C. - Martin, Wi.     0 - 1          Martin, Wi. gave odds of a pawn for the move
Cheltenham 1876 (3)     7th Counties Chess Association Meeting - Provincial Champion's Cup     1  /  11
Edinburgh 1876     East and West of Scotland Match    
  Spens, W.C. - Meikle, C.     1 - 2    
Edinburgh 1880     East and West of Scotland Match    
  Spens, W.C. - Fraser, G.B.     0 - 2    
Glasgow 1880     West of Scotland Challenge Cup Tournament     11  /  20
Edinburgh 1881     East and West of Scotland Match    
  Spens, W.C. - Meikle, C.     2 - 0    
Manchester 1882 (1)     12th Counties Chess Association Meeting - Class I     1  /  9
Birmingham 1883 (2)     13th Counties Chess Association Meeting - Class I, Section B     1.5  /  7
Glasgow 1884 (1)     1st Scottish Championship     6  /  9
Glasgow 1884 (3)     1st Scottish Chess Association Congress - Handicap Tournament    
  Spens, W.C. - Phillips, J.     1 - 0          Spens, W.C. gave odds of pawn and two moves
  Spens, W.C. - Forsyth, D.     1 - 0          Spens, W.C. gave odds of pawn and move
  Spens, W.C. - Fraser, G.B.     1 - 0    
Edinburgh 1885     2nd Scottish Championship     5  /  11
Glasgow 1886     3rd Scottish Championship     3.5  /  11
Edinburgh 1887     4th Scottish Championship     2  /  7
Glasgow 1888 (1)     Glasgow - Liverpool Club Match    
  Spens, W.C. - Burn, A.     0 - 1    
Glasgow 1888 (2)     5th Scottish Championship     1  /  5
Glasgow 1888 (4)     5th Scottish Chess Association Congress - Handicap Tournament    
  Spens, W.C. - Sanderson, J.     0 - 1          Spens, W.C. gave odds of pawn and two moves
Edinburgh 1889     6th Scottish Championship     6  /  10
Liverpool 1889 (1)     Glasgow - Liverpool Club Match    
  Spens, W.C. - Leather, R.K.     0 - 1    
Dundee 1890 (1)     7th Scottish Championship     6.5  /  9
  Spens, W.C. - Walker, W.N.     0 - 1    
Dundee 1890 (3)     Scottish Chess Association Congress - Handicap Tournament    
  Spens, W.C. - Baxter, S.L.     1 - 0          Spens, W.C. gave odds of a rook
  Spens, W.C. - Thomson, M.     1 - 0          Spens, W.C. gave odds of a rook
  Spens, W.C. - Baxter, H.T.     1 - 0          Spens, W.C. gave odds of pawn and move
  Spens, W.C. - Walker, W.N.     0.5 - 0.5    
Manchester 1890 (3)     6th British Chess Association Tournament - Amateur Championship     4.5  /  11
Glasgow 1891 (1)     8th Scottish Championship     2  /  5
Glasgow 1891 (2)     Glasgow - Liverpool Club Match    
  Spens, W.C. - Burn, A.     0 - 1    
Edinburgh 1892     9th Scottish Championship     5.5  /  10
Dundee 1893 (1)     10th Scottish Championship     4.5  /  6
Glasgow 1894     11th Scottish Championship     7  /  8
Edinburgh 1895 (1)     12th Scottish Championship     4.5  /  7
Dundee 1896     13th Scottish Championship     2  /  5
Glasgow 1897     14th Scottish Championship     6  /  10
Edinburgh 1898     15th Scottish Championship     3  /  4
Stirling 1899     16th Scottish Championship     3.5  /  7
Glasgow 1900     Glasgow - Liverpool Club Match    
  Spens, W.C. - Dod, W.     0 - 1    
Dundee 1900     17th Scottish Championship     2.5  /  6

Player information updated: 8 Sept. 2024