Reif, Albin


Year       Rank    Edo    Dev.   Games 
1857  147  2090 (96) 9
1858  154  2095 (101) 0
1859  172  2100 (105) 0
1860  178  2105 (108) 0
1861  191  2109 (111) 0
1862  190  2114 (114) 0
1863  181  2119 (116) 0
1864  191  2124 (117) 0
1865  191  2128 (118) 0
1866  201  2133 (119) 0
1867  196  2138 (119) 0
1868  197  2143 (119) 0
1869  192  2147 (119) 0
1870  190  2152 (118) 0
1871  188  2157 (117) 0
1872  189  2162 (115) 0
1873  190  2166 (113) 0
1874  190  2171 (111) 0
1875  191  2176 (108) 0
1876  180  2181 (104) 0
1877  169  2185 (100) 0
1878  169  2190 (95) 0
1879  162  2195 (89) 0
1880  174  2200 (82) 7
1881  194  2197 (76) 6
1882  218  2186 (75) 0
1883  253  2176 (72) 7
1884  254  2180 (76) 0
1885  249  2184 (78) 0
1886  253  2188 (79) 0
1887  249  2192 (78) 0
1888  242  2196 (75) 0
1889  238  2201 (70) 9
1890  274  2188 (77) 0
1891  292  2174 (82) 0
1892  328  2161 (85) 0
1893  345  2148 (88) 0
1894  369  2135 (88) 5

Rating table notes

Biographical data
Name: Reif, Albin  
   Also known as: Dr. Albin Reif
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1747-1900, page 231
   Fiske, First American Chess Congress, page 539
   Hillyer, Thomas Frère, page 19
   Renette and Zavatarelli, Neumann, Hirschfeld and Suhle, page 73
   van Winsen, Mackenzie, Mason and Co. I, page 139
   [BLL], no. 2720, 17 Aug. 1872, page 11
   [FLIN], 17 Apr. 1858
   [IZL], vol. 58, no. 1488, 6 Jan. 1872, page 20
   [SoT], 2 Mar. 1872
   Halla, Josef.  [Viktor Tietz na turnaji Německého šachového svazu ve Vratislavi]
   Reinhold, Klaus.  [Chronik Arnstadt: Gaststätten, Cafés und Hotels], page 969

Match data  (f=formal; c=casual; s=soft)

Morphy, P.C. - Reif, A. 1857         (c)     7.5   -   1.5      Morphy, P.C. gave odds of a knight

Tournament data

Braunschweig 1880 (2)     13th West German Chess Congress - Hauptturnier I     7  /  7
Berlin 1881 (5)     2nd German Chess Federation Congress - Hauptturnier III     2  /  3
Berlin 1881 (7)     2nd German Chess Federation Congress - Siegergruppe     0  /  3
Nuremberg 1883 (2)     3rd German Chess Federation Congress - Hauptturnier B     2.5  /  7
Breslau 1889 (1)     6th German Chess Federation Congress - Hauptturnier A     3.5  /  9
Leipzig 1894 (5)     9th German Chess Federation Congress - Hauptturnier D     1.5  /  5

Player information updated: 6 Oct. 2024