Mundell, William


Year       Rank    Edo    Dev.   Games 
1871  342  1990 (119) 1
1872  340  2003 (115) 1
1873  327  2019 (113) 0
1874  325  2036 (111) 0
1875  320  2053 (108) 0
1876  298  2069 (105) 2
1877  265  2088 (101) 2
1878  247  2112 (96) 0
1879  211  2136 (90) 0
1880  218  2159 (83) 0
1881  216  2183 (74) 0
1882  188  2207 (63) 0
1883  184  2231 (48) 25
1884  192  2237 (52) 9
1885  215  2218 (58) 0
1886  238  2200 (59) 0
1887  268  2181 (56) 11
1888  268  2176 (60) 0
1889  273  2172 (60) 9
1890  322  2153 (70) 0
1891  349  2134 (77) 1
1892  380  2127 (84) 0
1893  383  2121 (90) 1
1894  413  2108 (97) 1
1895  434  2099 (104) 0
1896  449  2091 (110) 0
1897  467  2083 (116) 0
1898  507  2075 (121) 1

Rating table notes

Biographical data
Name: Mundell, William Hugh Alexander  
   Also known as: W.H. Mundell, jun.
Born: 1846
Died: July 1917
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1747-1900, page 229
   Forster, Amos Burn, page 965
   Harding, Joseph Henry Blackburne, page 212
   Löwenthal and Medley, Chess Congress of 1862, page 353, lxiii, xlviii
   [Era], vol. 24, no. 1229, 13 Apr. 1862, page 14
   [Era], vol. 24, no. 1238, 15 June 1862, page 13
   [Era], vol. 24, no. 1241, 6 July 1862, page 15
   [ILN], vol. 40, no. 1150, 21 June 1862, page 644
   [ILN], vol. 70, no. 1959, 27 Jan. 1877, page 95
   [PDEB], 6 Aug. 1864
   [WP], vol. 1, no. 5, Aug. 1868, page 51
   [WP], vol. 4, no. 3, 1 July 1871, page 48
   Mann, Steve.  [Yorkshire Chess History - William Hugh Alexander Mundell]

Tournament data

London, England 1871 (7)     Westminster - City of London Club Match    
  Mundell, W.H.A. - Franklin, W.L.     0 - 1    
London, England 1872 (1)     City of London Club Handicap    
  Mundell, W.H.A. - Mellison     1 - 0          Mundell, W.H.A. gave odds of a knight
  Mundell, W.H.A. - Down, H.F.     0 - 1          Mundell, W.H.A. gave odds of pawn and move
London, England 1876 (17)     Saint George's - West End Club Match    
  Mundell, W.H.A. - Foster (1)     1 - 1    
London, England 1877 (2)     West-End Club Handicap    
  Mundell, W.H.A. - Levy, D. (1)     0.5 - 1.5          Mundell, W.H.A. gave odds of pawn and two moves
London, England 1883 (6)     Vizayanagaram Tournament     15  /  25
London, England 1884 (9)     Simpson's Divan Handicap - Section A     6  /  9      odds player in pawn and move class
London, England 1887 (3)     British Chess Club Handicap     5.5  /  11      odds player in pawn and two moves class
London, England 1889 (4)     British Chess Club - Saint George's Club Match    
  Mundell, W.H.A. - Gover, F.F.     1 - 0    
London, England 1889 (6)     British Amateur Championship     4  /  8
London, England 1891 (2)     British Chess Club - City of London Club Match    
  Mundell, W.H.A. - Mocatta, A.     0 - 1    
Birmingham 1893     North and South Match    
  Mundell, W.H.A. - Clere, H.     1 - 0    
London, England 1894 (1)     North and South Match    
  Mundell, W.H.A. - Haines, A.C.     0 - 1    
London, England 1898 (2)     British Chess Club - United Universities Match    
  Mundell, W.H.A. - Spencer-Churchill, E.G.     1 - 0    

Player information updated: 5 Jan. 2023