Porath, Yosef


Year       Rank    Edo    Dev.   Games 
1927  110  2377 (51) 14
1928  145  2364 (46) 11
1929  177  2351 (42) 13
1930  120  2387 (42) 13
1931  89  2404 (41) 15
1932  66  2420 (44) 15
1933  81  2411 (51) 0
1934  88  2401 (49) 0
1935  105  2391 (40) 26
1936  129  2379 (45) 10
1937  117  2385 (49) 9
1938  108  2398 (52) 9
1939  58  2435 (54) 14

Rating table notes

Biographical data
Name: Porath, Yosef  
   Also known as: Yosef Porat; Heinz Josef Foerder
Born: 7 June 1909
Gaige, in Chess Personalia gives name as 'Porat[h], Yosef'. In Chess Tournament Crosstables, he appears as 'H. Foerder', except at Gleiwitz 1927, where he is listed as 'M. Foerder', presumably an error.
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1921-1930, page 334
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1931-1935, page 399
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1936-1940, page 369
   Gaige, Chess Personalia, page 337
   McGowan, Kurt Richter, page 48, 361
   Skinner and Verhoeven, Alexander Alekhine's Chess Games, page 528
   Thulin, Name index to CTC, page 78
   Woodger, Reuben Fine, page 350
   [WSZ], vol. 32, no. 10, May 1935, page 155
   Pilpel, Avital.  [Chess in the 1935 Maccabiah -- two 'Mystery Players'?]

Tournament data

Magdeburg 1927 (3)     25th German Chess Federation Congress - Hauptturnier A Siegergruppe     5  /  7
  Porath, Y. - Hoffmann, H.     1 - 0    
Gleiwitz 1927     14th Silesian Chess Union Congress     5  /  6
The Hague 1928 (2)     2nd Olympiad     1.5  /  4
Reichenbach 1928 (1)     15th Silesian Chess Union Congress     4.5  /  6
Reichenbach 1928 (2)     15th Silesian Chess Union Congress, Deutschen Schachverbandes - Schlesischen Schachverband Match    
  Porath, Y. - Flohr, S.M.     1 - 0    
Duisburg 1929 (9)     26th German Chess Federation Congress - Master Tournament     4  /  13
Bilina 1930     9th Congress of the German Chess Federation in Czechoslovakia     6  /  8
Breslau 1930     17th Silesian Chess Union Congress     4  /  5
Swinemunde 1931     27th German Chess Federation Congress     5.5  /  12
Bad Salzbrunn 1931     18th Silesian Chess Federation Tournament Tournament - Group 1     4  /  4
Schluckenau 1932     11th Congress of the German Chess Federation in Czechoslovakia - Championship     7  /  9
Ratibor 1932     1st Upper Silesian Championship     5.5  /  6
Tel Aviv 1935     Maccabiah Tournament     7  /  10
Warsaw 1935 (2)     6th Olympiad     8.5  /  18
Tel Aviv 1936     1st Palestine Championship     6.5  /  10
Jerusalem 1937     2nd Palestine Championship     7.5  /  10
Tel Aviv 1938     3rd Palestine Championship     6.5  /  9
Buenos Aires 1939 (4)     8th Olympiad - Qualifying Group 4     3.5  /  4
Buenos Aires 1939 (6)     8th Olympiad - Final A     7.5  /  10

Player information updated: 13 Jun. 2024