Blijdenstein, Benjamin


Year       Rank    Edo    Dev.   Games 
1860  255  1910 (130) 1
1861  264  1918 (125) 1
1862  276  1934 (124) 0
1863  264  1950 (122) 0
1864  270  1965 (120) 0
1865  286  1981 (117) 0
1866  302  1997 (115) 0
1867  288  2013 (111) 0
1868  282  2029 (107) 0
1869  261  2044 (103) 0
1870  259  2060 (97) 0
1871  260  2076 (91) 0
1872  260  2092 (84) 0
1873  240  2108 (75) 13
1874  255  2101 (75) 12
1875  272  2090 (85) 0
1876  285  2079 (94) 0
1877  291  2068 (101) 0
1878  312  2058 (107) 0
1879  312  2047 (113) 0
1880  344  2036 (118) 0
1881  405  2025 (123) 0
1882  440  2014 (127) 0
1883  492  2003 (131) 0
1884  550  1992 (135) 0
1885  565  1981 (138) 0
1886  582  1971 (141) 0
1887  605  1960 (144) 0
1888  622  1949 (146) 0
1889  623  1938 (149) 0
1890  666  1927 (151) 0
1891  678  1916 (153) 0
1892  732  1905 (155) 0
1893  764  1894 (157) 1

Rating table notes

Biographical data
Name: Blijdenstein, Benjamin Willem  
Born: 20 July 1839
Died: 10 Apr. 1914
Peter de Jong explains in Chess Note 5416 that this Benjamin Willem Blijdenstein had a father of the same name, and a grandfather of the same name (who was known as a draughts player).
   Nederlandschen Schaakbond, Nederlandschen Schaakbond, 1873, page 1
   [Era], vol. 21, no. 1095, 18 Sep. 1859, page 15
   [Era], vol. 22, no. 1122, 25 Mar. 1860, page 14
   [Era], vol. 23, no. 1174, 24 Mar. 1861, page 6
   [Fld], 12 Sep. 1874
   [Fld], 17 Oct. 1874
   [Sis], vol. 5, 1861, page 245
   [Sis], vol. 7, 1863, page 265
   [Sis], vol. 4, no. 6, June 1870, page 187
   [Sis], vol. 4, no. 7, July 1870, page 204
   Plomp, Adriaan.  [B.W. Blijdenstein: Bankier, filantroop en schaker]
   Winter, Edward.  [CN 5408. Dutch players]
   Winter, Edward.  [CN 5416. Dutch players]
   [Benjamin Willem Blijdenstein]

Tournament data

London, England 1860 (2)     St. James's Club Handicap Tournament    
  Blijdenstein, B.W. - Riley, S.     1 - 0    
  Blijdenstein, B.W. - Lowenthal, J.J.     0 - 1          Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of pawn and two moves
London, England 1861 (2)     St. James's Club Handicap Tournament    
  Blijdenstein, B.W. - Saburov, P.A.     0 - 1          Saburov, P.A. gave odds of pawn and move
The Hague 1873     1st Netherland Chess Federation Tourney     9.5  /  12
  Blijdenstein, B.W. - Gifford, H.W.B.     0 - 1    
Amsterdam 1874     2nd Netherland Chess Federation Tourney     8  /  12
Hilversum 1893     Hilversum Club Tournament    
  Blijdenstein, B.W. - Peet, J.H.     0 - 1    

Player information updated: 8 Sept. 2024