Löwenthal, Johann


Year       Rank    Edo    Dev.   Games 
1845  19  2464 (65) 10
1846  18  2492 (55) 85
1847  16  2498 (60) 0
1848  15  2504 (60) 0
1849  16  2509 (54) 1
1850  14  2520 (43) 84
1851  13  2510 (36) 61
1852  11  2526 (40) 37
1853  2564 (36) 88
1854  2556 (43) 13
1855  2552 (41) 41
1856  2564 (46) 4
1857  2609 (44) 16
1858  2629 (41) 29
1859  2619 (47) 3
1860  2600 (46) 13
1861  10  2575 (46) 30
1862  14  2539 (45) 20
1863  18  2505 (48) 19
1864  20  2477 (50) 11
1865  20  2471 (56) 0
1866  21  2466 (55) 20
1867  34  2430 (67) 2
1868  45  2414 (79) 0
1869  48  2397 (89) 0
1870  54  2381 (97) 0
1871  61  2365 (105) 0
1872  67  2349 (112) 0
1873  71  2333 (118) 0
1874  78  2317 (123) 0
1875  101  2301 (129) 2

Rating table notes

Biographical data
Name: Löwenthal, Johann Jacob  
   Also known as: János Jakab Löwenthal; John Jacob Löwenthal
Born: 15 July 1806
Died: 20 July 1876
Gaige has 'Johann Jacob' as does Steve Mann; Di Felice has 'Janos Jakab' as do Hooper and Whyld. Golombek has both. Metzner has 'János Löwenthal'. Harding clarifies that although the Hungarian form of his name was 'János Jakab', his mother tongue was probably German, so he was probably originally known as 'Johann'. His date of birth is usually given as 15-07-1810, but Harding (p.103) cites evidence that it was actually around 1806, probably 15-07-1806. Golombek and Alberti give death date 20-07-1876. Steve Mann gives date of death as 24-07-1876. Gaige and Sergeant give death date 21-07-1876. Harding gives evidence that his date of death was actually 20-07-1876, though often given as 21-07-1876.
   Barcza, Magyar Sakktörténet, Vol.1, page 83
   Bottlik, Kis Magyar Sakktörténet, page 130
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1747-1900, page 228
   Feenstra Kuiper, 100 Jahre Schachturniere, page 270
   Feenstra Kuiper, 100 Jahre Schachzweikämpfe, page 87
   Fiske, First American Chess Congress, page 389
   Gaige, Chess Personalia, page 256
   Golombek, Golombek's Encyclopedia, page 187
   Harding, Eminent Victorian Chess Players, page 73, 103, 318, 340, 360
   Harding, Joseph Henry Blackburne, page 39, 94, 126, 577
   Harding, Steinitz in London, page 376, 391, 411
   Hooper and Whyld, Oxford Companion (1st ed.), page 194
   Hooper and Whyld, Oxford Companion (2nd ed.), page 236
   Murray, History of Chess, page 885
   Sergeant, Century of British Chess, page 79, 132
   Townsend, Historical Notes on Players, page 18
   Zavatarelli, Ignatz Kolisch, page 69
   [Fld], 22 July 1876
   [HCM], vol. 4, no. 12, Sep. 1876, page 285
   [ILN], vol. 69, no. 1931, 29 July 1876, page 119
   [MaSZ], vol. 1, no. 5, May 1849, page 69
   [Pal], vol. 2, no. 13, 15 Dec. 1842, page 264
   [Reg], vol. 3, no. 7, July 1851, page 200
   [Sis], vol. 4, no. 11, Nov. 1850, page 344
   [SZ], vol. 1, no. 1, July 1846, page 2
   [SZ], vol. 1, no. 2, Aug. 1846, page 40
   [SZ], vol. 5, no. 10, Oct. 1850, page 349
   [SZ], vol. 6, no. 6, June 1851, page 234
   [WP], vol. 5, no. 1, 1 May 1872, page 5
   [WP], vol. 9, no. 4, 1 Aug. 1876, page 69
   Alberti, Marco A.  [Johann Jacob Löwenthal]
   Harding, Tim.  [The London-Vienna Correspondence Match (Part 1)], page 5
   Mann, Steve.  [Yorkshire Chess History - 1852: Johann Jacob Löwenthal in Yorkshire]
   Mann, Steve.  [Yorkshire Chess History - Johann Jacob Löwenthal]
   Metzner, Paul.  [Philidor and the Café de la Régence Chess Masters]
   Sarah.  [John Jacob Löwenthal]
   Sarah.  [Löwenthal's visit to America]
   Sericano, C.  [Maestri di scacchi dell'800]
   Tomlinson, Charles.  [Simpson's Divan]

Match data  (f=formal; c=casual; s=soft)

Lowenthal, J.J. - Grimm, V. 1845         (s)     6   -   4
von der Lasa, T. - Lowenthal, J.J. 1846         (c)     6   -   1
Lowenthal, J.J. - Hamppe, C. 1846         (s)     5   -   4
Bledow, L.E. - Lowenthal, J.J. 1846         (c)     0.5   -   0.5
Lowenthal, J.J. - Jenay, E. 1846         (c)     38   -   30
Lowenthal, J.J. - John, L.E. 1849         (s)     1   -   0
Lowenthal, J.J. - Schmeichel 1849         (s)     1   -   0
Stanley, C.H. - Lowenthal, J.J. 1850         (c)     3   -   3
Lowenthal, J.J. - Turner, J.H. 1850 (1)         (f)     7   -   3
Lowenthal, J.J. - Turner, J.H. 1850 (2)         (f)     5.5   -   2.5
Lowenthal, J.J. - Dudley, E.A. 1850 (1)         (f)     11   -   8
Lowenthal, J.J. - Dudley, E.A. 1850 (2)         (f)     11   -   3
Lowenthal, J.J. - Dudley, E.A. 1850 (3)         (f)     12.5   -   6.5
Lowenthal, J.J. - Brown, M. 1850         (c)     2   -   0      Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of pawn and move
Lowenthal, J.J. - Crittenden, J.J. 1850         (c)     0   -   1
Morphy, P.C. - Lowenthal, J.J. 1850         (c)     3   -   0
Lowenthal, J.J. - Rousseau, E. 1850         (c)     5   -   0
Anderssen (offhand) - Lowenthal, J.J. 1851 (1)         (c)     2   -   1
Anderssen (offhand) - Lowenthal, J.J. 1851 (2)         (c)     1   -   0
Kieseritzky, L.A.B.F. - Lowenthal, J.J. 1851         (c)     9   -   8
Buckle, H.T. - Lowenthal, J.J. 1851         (f)     4.5   -   3.5
Lowenthal, J.J. - Williams, E. (1) 1851         (f)     9   -   7
Lowenthal, J.J. - Wayte, W. 1851 (1)         (f)     0   -   6      Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of pawn and two moves
Lowenthal, J.J. - Wayte, W. 1851 (2)         (f)     1.5   -   3.5      Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of the exchange
Lowenthal, J.J. - Harden, H. 1852         (c)     0   -   1      Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of pawn and two moves
Lowenthal, J.J. - Stanley, H. 1852         (c)     1   -   1      Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of a knight
Lowenthal, J.J. - Horwitz, B. 1852         (c)     4   -   1
Lowenthal, J.J. - Donaldson, Jo. 1852         (c)     15   -   15
Lowenthal, J.J. - Brien, R.B. 1853 (1)         (f)     5.5   -   3.5      Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of the exchange
Lowenthal, J.J. - Brien, R.B. 1853 (2)         (f)     4   -   5      Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of the exchange
Lowenthal, J.J. - Zachary, F.D. 1853 (1)         (f)     1   -   1      Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of a knight
Lowenthal, J.J. - Zachary, F.D. 1853 (2)         (f)     1   -   0      Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of mate on a particular square
Lowenthal, J.J. - Zachary, F.D. 1853 (3)         (f)     1   -   0      Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of pawn and two moves
Lowenthal, J.J. - Zachary, F.D. 1853 (4)         (f)     1   -   0      Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of pawn and move
Lowenthal, J.J. - Stanley, H. 1853         (c)     0   -   1      Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of a knight
Lowenthal, J.J. - Brien, R.B. 1853 (3)         (f)     4.5   -   3.5      Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of pawn and move
Lowenthal, J.J. - Brien, R.B. 1853 (4)         (f)     1   -   4      Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of pawn and two moves
Harrwitz, D. - Lowenthal, J.J. 1853         (f)     17   -   14
Staunton, H. - Lowenthal, J.J. 1853         (s)     13.5   -   6.5
Brien, R.B. - Lowenthal, J.J. 1854         (f)     7.5   -   3.5      Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of pawn and move
Lowenthal, J.J. - Zytogorski, A. 1854         (s)     2   -   0      Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of pawn and two moves
Lowenthal, J.J. - Green, V. 1855 (1)         (f)     5.5   -   2.5      Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of pawn and move
Lowenthal, J.J. - Murphy, J.B. 1855         (f)     5.5   -   4.5      Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of pawn and two moves
Lowenthal, J.J. - Little, T.S. 1855         (c)     1   -   0      Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of a knight
Lowenthal, J.J. - Wayte, W. 1855         (c)     1   -   2      Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of pawn and move
Lowenthal, J.J. - Tassinari, G. 1855         (s)     1   -   0
Lowenthal, J.J. - Brien, R.B. 1855 (1)         (f)     5   -   4      Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of the exchange
Lowenthal, J.J. - Brien, R.B. 1855 (2)         (f)     1.5   -   6.5      Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of pawn and move
Lowenthal, J.J. - Green, V. 1855 (2)         (f)     0.5   -   1.5      Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of pawn and move
Barnes, T.W. - Lowenthal, J.J. 1856         (c)     2.5   -   1.5
Lowenthal, J.J. - Mongredien, A. (1) 1857         (c)     0.5   -   0.5
Harrwitz, D. - Lowenthal, J.J. 1857         (f)     0.5   -   0.5
Lowenthal, J.J. - Duval, C.A. 1857         (c)     2   -   0      Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of pawn and two moves
Lowenthal, J.J. - Pindar, E.D. 1857         (c)     6   -   0      Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of pawn and move
Barnes, T.W. - Lowenthal, J.J. 1857         (c)     3   -   0
Lowenthal, J.J. - White, C.W. 1858         (c)     0   -   1      Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of pawn and two moves
Morphy, P.C. - Lowenthal, J.J. 1858         (f)     10   -   4
Morphy, P.C. - Lowenthal, J.J. 1859         (c)     1.5   -   1.5
Lowenthal, J.J. - Burden, F. 1860 (1)         (f)     1   -   0
Lowenthal, J.J. - Burden, F. 1860 (2)         (f)     0   -   1      Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of pawn and move
Lowenthal, J.J. - Burden, F. 1860 (3)         (f)     1   -   0      Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of pawn and two moves
Lowenthal, J.J. - Kushelev-Bezborodko, G.A. 1861 (1)         (f)     4   -   0
Lowenthal, J.J. - Kushelev-Bezborodko, G.A. 1861 (2)         (f)     1   -   3      Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of a knight
Lowenthal, J.J. - Duncan, Ja. 1861         (c)     2   -   0      Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of pawn and move
Lowenthal, J.J. - Kempa-Pieczonka, A. 1861 (1)         (f)     3.5   -   2.5      Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of a knight
Lowenthal, J.J. - Kempa-Pieczonka, A. 1861 (2)         (f)     3.5   -   2.5      Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of a knight
Anderssen (offhand) - Lowenthal, J.J. 1861         (c)     2   -   1
Lowenthal, J.J. - English, F. 1861         (c)     1   -   0      Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of a knight
Lowenthal, J.J. - Foskett, P. 1862         (c)     3   -   2      Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of a knight
Anderssen (offhand) - Lowenthal, J.J. 1862         (c)     0.5   -   0.5
Dubois, S. - Lowenthal, J.J. 1862         (c)     0.5   -   0.5
Lowenthal, J.J. - Green, V. 1862         (f)     5.5   -   4.5      Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of pawn and move
Lowenthal, J.J. - Lloyd (1) 1863         (f)     7.5   -   2.5      Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of a knight
Lowenthal, J.J. - Salter, D.M. 1863         (f)     4.5   -   1.5      Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of pawn and two moves
Lowenthal, J.J. - Green, V. 1863         (f)     1   -   1      Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of pawn and move
Lowenthal, J.J. - Hirschfeld, P.M. 1864         (c)     0.5   -   0.5
Owen, J. - Lowenthal, J.J. 1864         (c)     2   -   2
Lowenthal, J.J. - Thorold, E. 1864         (f)     1   -   0
Lowenthal, J.J. - Gover, W.S. 1864         (c)     2   -   2
Lowenthal, J.J. - Gamman, E. 1866         (c)     0.5   -   0.5      Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of a knight
Lowenthal, J.J. - Pigott, A.S. 1866         (c)     2   -   0      Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of a knight
Lowenthal, J.J. - Holloway, A. 1866         (c)     1   -   0      Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of pawn and move
Lowenthal, J.J. - Newenham 1866         (c)     1   -   0      Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of a knight
Lowenthal, J.J. - Fenton, R.H.F. 1866         (c)     0   -   1      Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of pawn and two moves
Lowenthal, J.J. - Selkirk, G.H. 1866         (c)     1   -   0      Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of a knight
Lowenthal, J.J. - Burt, J.N. (1) 1866         (c)     0   -   2      Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of a knight
Lowenthal, J.J. - Cleland, J.S. 1866         (c)     0.5   -   0.5      Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of a knight
Lowenthal, J.J. - Hibbins, W. 1866         (c)     1   -   0      Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of a knight
Lowenthal, J.J. - Pryor, W.S. 1866         (c)     1   -   0      Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of a rook
Lowenthal, J.J. - Beard, W.D. 1866         (c)     1   -   1      Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of a knight
Lowenthal, J.J. - Taylor, J.O.H. 1866 (1)         (c)     1   -   0
Lowenthal, J.J. - Taylor, J.O.H. 1866 (2)         (c)     0   -   1      Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of the exchange
Lowenthal, J.J. - Owen, J. 1866         (c)     4.5   -   1.5
de Riviere, J.A. - Lowenthal, J.J. 1867         (f)     2   -   0

Tournament data

London, England 1851 (1)     The International Chess Tournament    
  Lowenthal, J.J. - Williams, E. (1)     1 - 2    
London, England 1851 (3)     London Chess Club International Tournament     0.5  /  2
Manchester 1857 (1)     1st British Chess Association Congress    
  Lowenthal, J.J. - Horwitz, B.     1 - 0    
  Lowenthal, J.J. - Anderssen, K.E.A.     1 - 0    
  Lowenthal, J.J. - Boden, S.S.     0.5 - 0.5    
Birmingham and London, England 1858     2nd British Chess Association Congress    
  Lowenthal, J.J. - Kipping, J.S.     2 - 0    
  Lowenthal, J.J. - Staunton, H.     2 - 0    
  Lowenthal, J.J. - Owen, J.     2.5 - 0.5    
  Lowenthal, J.J. - Falkbeer, E.K.     5 - 3    
London, England 1860 (1)     London Club Handicap Tournament     7.5  /  9
London, England 1860 (2)     St. James's Club Handicap Tournament    
  Lowenthal, J.J. - Hay, A.     1 - 0          Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of a knight
  Lowenthal, J.J. - Blijdenstein, B.W.     1 - 0          Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of pawn and two moves
  Lowenthal, J.J. - Bird, H.E.     1 - 0    
  Lowenthal, J.J. - Saburov, P.A.     0 - 1          Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of a knight
London, England 1861 (2)     St. James's Club Handicap Tournament    
  Lowenthal, J.J. - Barthes, C.     1 - 0          Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of pawn and two moves
  Lowenthal, J.J. - Sich, A.     1 - 0          Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of pawn and two moves
  Lowenthal, J.J. - Puller, A.G.     1 - 0          Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of a knight
  Lowenthal, J.J. - Cruikshank, R.J.     2 - 0          Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of pawn and two moves
London, England 1862 (3)     British Chess Association Congress - Grand Tournament     3  /  3
London, England 1863     Saint James's Club - Mr. Worrall's Tournament     11  /  14
  Lowenthal, J.J. - Stewart, H.C.     0.5 - 0.5          Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of pawn and move
London, England 1864     London Club Handicap    
  Lowenthal, J.J. - Mongredien, A. (2)     0 - 1          Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of a rook
London, England 1874 (9)     City of London Club - Bermondsey Club Match    
  Lowenthal, J.J. - Winyatt     1 - 0          Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of a knight
Grimsby 1875     Grimsby - Hull Church Institute Club Match    
  Lowenthal, J.J. - Crake, J.A.     2 - 0    

Player information updated: 3 Jun. 2023