Chambers, John


Year       Rank    Edo    Dev.   Games 
1884  629  1940 (52) 13
1885  562  1983 (42) 30
1886  578  1974 (39) 39
1887  557  1987 (46) 9
1888  573  1982 (49) 7
1889  552  1989 (50) 11
1890  536  2011 (51) 11
1891  495  2036 (54) 5
1892  555  2020 (55) 11
1893  610  2003 (61) 0
1894  654  1986 (63) 0
1895  674  1969 (60) 7
1896  684  1964 (61) 0
1897  690  1960 (58) 11
1898  718  1959 (63) 0
1899  736  1958 (65) 0
1900  755  1957 (63) 0
1901  755  1956 (58) 8
1902  731  1980 (56) 5
1903  718  1982 (54) 4
1904  736  1995 (50) 5
1905  767  1993 (43) 18
1906  767  1996 (42) 18
1907  793  1992 (46) 7
1908  798  1991 (47) 7
1909  895  1975 (46) 21
1910  912  1963 (56) 9

Rating table notes

Biographical data
Name: Chambers, John Dibbin  
Born: 1842
Died: 15 June 1930
Forster, Harding, and Di Felice have 'Chambers, John Dillon'. McGowan has 'John Dibbin Chambers'. Possibly the 'G.D. Chambers' who played in the circulating chess game reported in the Chess Monthly of Sept. 1883 (see Chess Note 4652), but the first initial 'G' would then have to be an error. Gaige has date of birth as 1842. McGowan has date of birth as 'c1845'.
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1747-1900, page 223
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1901-1920, page 302
   Forster, Amos Burn, page 261, 956
   Gaige, Chess Personalia, page 67
   Harding, Joseph Henry Blackburne, page 209, 235, 573
   Sergeant, Century of British Chess, page 192
   Thulin, Name index to CTC, page 45
   Mann, Steve.  [Yorkshire Chess History - 1883: Blackburne in Sheffield]
   McGowan, Alan.  [John Dibbin Chambers]
   McGowan, Alan.  [Scottish Championship 1895]
   Sericano, C.  [Belfast 1886]
   Winter, Edward.  [CN 4652. Chess by circulation]

Match data  (f=formal; c=casual; s=soft)

Spens, W.C. - Chambers, J.D. 1884         (f)     3   -   0
Chambers, J.D. - Fyfe, P. 1885         (f)     4.5   -   1.5
Chambers, J.D. - Spens, W.C. 1885         (f)     4   -   3
Gilchrist, Jo. - Chambers, J.D. 1885         (f)     5   -   1

Tournament data

Glasgow 1884 (1)     1st Scottish Championship     2.5  /  9
Glasgow 1884 (3)     1st Scottish Chess Association Congress - Handicap Tournament    
  Chambers, J.D. - Favre (2)     1 - 0          Chambers, J.D. gave odds of pawn and move
  Chambers, J.D. - Fraser, G.B.     0 - 1          Fraser, G.B. gave odds of pawn and move
Edinburgh 1885     2nd Scottish Championship     6  /  11
Glasgow 1886     3rd Scottish Championship     4  /  11
Nottingham 1886 (2)     Counties Chess Association - Minor Tourney, Division I     1.5  /  6
Nottingham 1886 (6)     Counties Chess Association - Handicap Tournament    
  Chambers, J.D. - Job, J.     0 - 1          Chambers, J.D. gave odds of pawn and two moves
Belfast 1886 (1)     2nd Irish Chess Association Congress     3  /  8
Belfast 1886 (2)     Handicap Tournament     7.5  /  13      odds player in pawn and two moves class
Edinburgh 1887     4th Scottish Championship     4.5  /  8
Stamford 1887 (3)     Counties Chess Association Meeting - Handicap Tournament    
  Chambers, J.D. - Mills, D.Y.     0 - 1          Mills, D.Y. gave odds of the move
Glasgow 1888 (1)     Glasgow - Liverpool Club Match    
  Chambers, J.D. - Howard, F.C.     0.5 - 0.5    
Glasgow 1888 (2)     5th Scottish Championship     1  /  5
Glasgow 1888 (4)     5th Scottish Chess Association Congress - Handicap Tournament    
  Chambers, J.D. - Finlayson, J.M.     0 - 1          Chambers, J.D. gave odds of pawn and move
Edinburgh 1889     6th Scottish Championship     6  /  10
Liverpool 1889 (1)     Glasgow - Liverpool Club Match    
  Chambers, J.D. - Sugden, E.S.     0.5 - 0.5    
Dundee 1890 (1)     7th Scottish Championship     5.5  /  9
Dundee 1890 (3)     Scottish Chess Association Congress - Handicap Tournament    
  Chambers, J.D. - Sandeman, P.     1 - 0    
  Chambers, J.D. - Connor, J.     0 - 1          Chambers, J.D. gave odds of pawn and two moves
Glasgow 1891 (1)     8th Scottish Championship     5  /  5
Edinburgh 1892     9th Scottish Championship     6  /  11
Edinburgh 1895 (1)     12th Scottish Championship     2.5  /  7
Glasgow 1897     14th Scottish Championship     4.5  /  10
Liverpool 1897 (1)     Glasgow - Liverpool Club Match    
  Chambers, J.D. - Rutherford, W.W.     0 - 1    
Manchester 1901 (1)     Lancashire - Cheshire County Match    
  Chambers, J.D. - Wellington, S.     0 - 1    
Glasgow 1901 (2)     18th Scottish Championship     2  /  7
Perth, Scotland 1902     19th Scottish Championship     3  /  5
Edinburgh 1903     20th Scottish Championship     1  /  4
Dundee 1904     21st Scottish Championship     3  /  5
Stirling 1905     22nd Scottish Championship     3  /  8
Southport 1905 (3)     2nd British Chess Federation Congress - First Class, Section A     4  /  10
Glasgow 1906     23rd Scottish Championship     3.5  /  7
Shrewsbury 1906 (3)     3rd British Chess Federation Congress - First Class Amateur Tournament     4  /  11
Edinburgh 1907     24th Scottish Championship     2.5  /  7
Dundee 1908     25th Scottish Championship     3.5  /  7
Glasgow 1909     26th Scottish Championship     4  /  11
Scarborough 1909 (3)     6th British Chess Federation Congress - First Class, Section B     2.5  /  10
Edinburgh 1910     27th Scottish Championship     3  /  9

Player information updated: 1 Feb. 2023