Martínez, Dión


Year       Rank    Edo    Dev.   Games 
1866  35  2429 (75) 20
1867  35  2425 (78) 0
1868  38  2420 (79) 0
1869  40  2416 (79) 0
1870  36  2412 (76) 0
1871  37  2408 (72) 0
1872  41  2404 (65) 0
1873  39  2400 (54) 32
1874  33  2436 (46) 10
1875  26  2459 (37) 39
1876  27  2464 (37) 51
1877  30  2464 (51) 0
1878  28  2465 (58) 0
1879  27  2465 (59) 0
1880  25  2466 (56) 6
1881  40  2442 (56) 0
1882  57  2418 (50) 14
1883  71  2395 (49) 13
1884  75  2391 (50) 13
1885  78  2382 (58) 0
1886  86  2374 (60) 0
1887  93  2365 (59) 0
1888  97  2356 (52) 0
1889  101  2348 (38) 43
1890  120  2329 (54) 0
1891  136  2310 (62) 2
1892  166  2289 (71) 2
1893  177  2275 (78) 0
1894  198  2261 (83) 0
1895  220  2246 (87) 2
1896  238  2227 (94) 0
1897  264  2207 (101) 0
1898  306  2188 (106) 0
1899  344  2168 (111) 0
1900  390  2149 (115) 0
1901  439  2129 (119) 0
1902  494  2110 (122) 0
1903  539  2090 (125) 0
1904  605  2071 (127) 0
1905  656  2051 (129) 0
1906  705  2032 (131) 1

Rating table notes

Biographical data
Name: Martínez, Dión M.  
   Also known as: Dionisio Martínez
Born: 26 June 1837
Died: 11 Mar. 1928
The Philadelphia Inquirer of 24 June 1906 has 'D.N. Martinez'?
   American Chess Association, Constitution of the American Chess Association, page 2
   Feenstra Kuiper, 100 Jahre Schachzweikämpfe, page 88
   Gaige, Chess Personalia, page 271
   Gilberg, Fifth American Chess Congress, page 99, 107
   Harding, Joseph Henry Blackburne, page 272, 578
   Hilbert, Emil Kemeny, page 79, 102
   Hilbert, Walter Penn Shipley, page 24, 402
   Reichhelm and Shipley, Chess in Philadelphia, page 12
   Sánchez, José Raúl Capablanca, page 22, 24, 25
   Sergeant, Century of British Chess, page 183
   Urcan, Julius Finn, page 100
   van Winsen, James Mason in America, page 33, 369
   [CLCM], vol. 1, no. 11, Dec. 1874, page 271
   [MCR], vol. 1, no. 11, Nov. 1874, page 452
   [SoT], 31 Oct. 1874
   [WP], vol. 7, no. 5, 1 Sep. 1874, page 82
   Sarah.  [The Franklin Chess Club]
   Sarah.  [Martínez]
   Sericano, C.  [Maestri di scacchi dell'800]

Match data  (f=formal; c=casual; s=soft)

Martinez, D.M. - Sicre, F. 1866         (f)     5.5   -   3.5
Martinez, D.M. - Golmayo, C.F. 1866 (1)         (c)     2.5   -   0.5
Martinez, D.M. - Golmayo, C.F. 1866 (2)         (f)     6.5   -   1.5
Golmayo, C.F. - Martinez, D.M. 1873 (1)         (f)     11   -   4
Golmayo, C.F. - Martinez, D.M. 1873 (2)         (f)     11   -   6
Mason, Ja. - Martinez, D.M. 1874         (f)     5   -   4
Martinez, D.M. - Elson, J. 1874         (c)     1   -   0
Delmar, E. (1) - Martinez, D.M. 1875         (c)     8   -   5
Martinez, D.M. - Mackenzie, G.H. 1875 (1)         (c)     3   -   1
Martinez, D.M. - Mackenzie, G.H. 1875 (2)         (c)     3.5   -   2.5
Mason, Ja. - Martinez, D.M. 1875 (1)         (f)     4   -   0
Martinez, D.M. - Alberoni, E. 1875 (1)         (f)     3   -   1
Mason, Ja. - Martinez, D.M. 1875 (2)         (c)     1.5   -   3.5
Martinez, D.M. - Alberoni, E. 1875 (2)         (c)     1   -   2
Bird, H.E. - Martinez, D.M. 1876         (c)     25   -   22
Sellman, A.G. - Martinez, D.M. 1880         (c)     0   -   2
Mackenzie, G.H. - Martinez, D.M. 1880         (c)     2   -   2
Steinitz, W. - Martinez, D.M. 1882 (1)         (f)     7   -   0
Steinitz, W. - Martinez, D.M. 1882 (2)         (f)     4.5   -   2.5
Steinitz, W. - Martinez, D.M. 1883         (f)     10   -   1
Zukertort, J.H. - Martinez, D.M. 1884         (c)     9.5   -   3.5
Lasker, Em. - Martinez, D.M. 1892         (c)     2   -   0
Albin, A. - Martinez, D.M. 1895         (c)     1   -   1

Tournament data

Philadelphia 1876     4th American Chess Congress     1  /  4
Philadelphia and New York 1883     Philadelphia - Manhattan Club Match    
  Martinez, D.M. - Mackenzie, G.H.     0.5 - 1.5    
New York 1889 (2)     6th American Chess Congress     16  /  43
Philadelphia 1891 (1)     6th Franklin Chess Club Championship    
  Martinez, D.M. - Robinson, A.K.     1 - 0    
  Martinez, D.M. - Voigt, H.G.     0 - 1    
New York 1906 (4)     Franklin Chess Club - Manhattan Chess Club Match    
  Martinez, D.M. - Ettlinger, A.K.     0 - 1    

Player information updated: 12 Nov. 2024